Eli Palmer

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chapter twenty-four; Eli Palmer
3rd pov

"SHUT UP. You'll get caught." Draco shushed her for the third time in their Divination class.

By force Stella squished herself between Draco and a girl named Pansy Parkinson.
"Hey, I'm Stella."

Draco rolled his eyes and tried to make her pay attention to the lesson, "you're going to get bad grades."

"And? This isn't even an actual lesson. The troll is just asking questions." Stella put her head on her palm, leaning forward into the crystal ball. "We have oracles in Earth too."

"For the last time Stella, we're still on Earth. Get it right you donut."

Stella raised her hands in defense, "whoa there. Someone's been watching too much Gordon Ramsay."

"Could you please predict something for me?" Umbridge asked.

"I predict that I'm going to fall asleep if I have to hear any of this." Stella groaned as she heard Professor Trelawney stutter. "This is embarrassing."

"Not as embarrassing as a Hufflepuff sitting next to you." Pansy murmured.

"Bruh. Literally y'all are being racist but like backhanded. It doesn't matter, I just want to sit with my friends." She gestured to Draco and his 'goonies'.

"One teensy little prophecy?"

Draco grinned, his smile was very much sinister. Evil smile.
Stella frowned, "hey. That's not nice. She's being humiliated. This is not okay. Don't smile like that. Don't be sadistic... Unless- No. No unless."

Stella shook her head, whispering, "I'm not a horny tornado-"

Draco looked at her and said, "excuse me😃🤚🏻"

"Nothing. You heard nothing."

Umbridge wrote something on her clipboard, "pity."

"She's a pity. Who's the poor soul that birthed her?" Stella cringed at her professor's lame attempt at predicting something.

"No, wait. Wait, no. I think I do see something." Trelawney said desperately. "Yes, I do. Something dark."

"I feel horrible for her." Stella turned to Draco, "this is worse than second hand embarrassment."

He cut her a sharp look, basically telling her to 'shut the hell up before you get in trouble again'.

She only fluttered her eyes in response, "anything for you, dadd- Draco."

"Since when was Stella buddy buddy with Malfoy?" Ron nudged Harry in their direction.

"Didn't you hear? She spent the summer with him." Hermione all knowingly said.

"Don't you technically have to go to class now?" Abraham asked.

Eli laid on McGonagall's couch, waving him away. "Nah. I don't really."

"But??Won't??She??be??looking??for you????"

"Stop putting unnecessary pauses in your sentences, Ham." Leo ate a biscuit.

McGonagall was teaching so they weren't able to see her, but that didn't stop them from making themselves at home in her office.

"I can go to class if I want to, but I'm more advanced than those pathetic fifth years. Of course not Stella and Hermione, they're pretty smort."

BREED:DIFFERENT -d.malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now