Stella Sister Snapped

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chapter fourteen; Stella Sister Snapped

"IF SHE DON'T SHUT HER DUMB, DUMB BUBBLEGUM BITCHASS, THE FUCK UP-!" Draco struggled to keep Stella from attacking the newest addition to the teachers' staff.

He held her by the hood of her robe, occasionally choking her, which resulted in Stella using '😼', and pulling a Debby Ryan.

"Stop that."

"No. She's needs to just
✨🧚🏻yeet 🧚🏻✨herself off of the face of the earth." Stella felt like barking at her. "If a Hufflepuff is the nicest out of all y'all, and I'm like this toward her, just imagine the amount of anger levels everyone else must be having."

"She won't even be here that long." Draco let go of her, keeping his eyes on the chalkboard. "So, just let go of it."

"Nah. I can't let this one slide. She just ain't it🙄"

"I don't even understand what your saying half of the time."

"It's because your just fam, thought you was bae, but turns out your just  fam. SMH🤦🏼‍♀️"

He shot her an annoyed glance, "are you even speaking the same language?"

Stella raised a brow at him, "are you even englishing right now?"


"Oh, I dunno. Maybe Lord Voldemort." Harry's sassy side really came through🥰

"Don't you think Harry would make such an incredible drag queen?" Stella tilted her head, analyzing Harry. "He seems perfect for it."

"What's a drag queen-?"

Silence came over everyone. They were all intently listening in on what Harry had just said, but a few heads turned at the conversation Stella and Draco were having.

A few did find it odd that they were sitting together, and that Draco wasn't spitting insults left and right. Don't worry, Stella was lowkey
(? idk if that's even right- I'm such a dis-acca-pointment🤩)

"Oh, I snuck my phone into class. Let me just show you this TikTok of Miss Liberty. A literal queen, love her work✨" Stella pulled out her phone, ignoring Umbitch's oncoming lecture.

"You have been told that a certain dark wizard is at large once again." The troll (I'm sorry, such an insult to the trolls😔🤚🏻) dressed in pink walked down the aisle, "this is a lie."

"I went to this one fortune teller on TikTok, he def told me there was darkness coming. I'm fosho that he was talking about the dark witch."

Draco frowned. Of course Stella would eventually find out about the wizard plaguing his nightmares, and controlling his life. "He's a wizard."

"Well, damn. Sorry for thinking that he's a she. Anyways, if it was a she, then the job would've been done. Harry'd be ☠️, but let's not go down that path."

Draco nodded, quoting something Stella had once said. "Kill all men."

Stella grinned in approval, "but not you. I guess you could stay, I mean you look like you'd listen to Sweater Weather... Either way! Here's Miss Liberty."

"What's Trump 2020?"

Stella lightly slapped him. "Keep that disgusting, built-like an orange ass out of your innocent mouth."

"What the fawk😃"

"Detention, Mr. Potter!"

Stella angrily slammed her hands on the desk, rising from her chair. She had kept an ear on the conversation, and did not like where things were going.

"Oh? So now it's wrong to say the truth? Cedric Diggory died because that bald, no-nosed looking ass killed him!" She gestured to Harry, "why would he lie about that? He literally has no reason to tell the truth. Mans really just told you that the Hitler of your world is alive, and you're really going to brush it off and say it's a lie?

"You're energy and aesthetic is bothering me. Like- can someone please put the restart button, or rewire your system, cause sis, you ain't right in the head."

sis really popped off💀

"Sit down, Stella." Draco whispered, tugging her sleeve gently. "Don't get into trouble-"

"Miss Holland, was it?"

"Yeah, and keep it out of your dirty mouth. My name shinesand it isn't meant to be said from someone like you. Just- just jump out of a window,😘, nobody likes you here. You're making us ✨uncomfy✨, and I'm not here for it."

"Detention for you as well." She said in her annoying ass voice- like please drown already🙄 I'll help you if you can't do it yourself❤️

"BRUH. drop dead😌"

Harry and her voice overlapping each other, but both were heard clearly.


"Finally. About ready to jump off a cliff, eh?"

Umbitch took a deep breath, not long enough because then we heard her voice. "Enough." She said more calmly, "see me later, Mr. Potter, and Miss Holland. My office." She 'giggled'

"What did I tell you? And what is wrong with your laugh? Are you trying to cough? Are you being strangled? Stop, it's not cute."

Class continued and angry tears brimmed at Stella's eyes.
Jokes on Professor Umbitch, Stella didn't even know where her office was.

"Sis really snapped." Draco murmured. He felt as if he could literally see the steam coming out of her ears. And he wished that he had the courage she did to stand up to his father.

But now, Stella was unknowing going to serve the worst detention of her life.

author's weird note
y'all thank you for over 100 votes and over 800 views😭


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