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chapter thirty-seven; Dylan


Hermione's eyes widen in shock. She shoved Eli off of the couch, "don't listen to him," Hermione rushed to say. She then looked down at him, whispering, "you are such an idiot!"

Stella ate the chicken leg Fred and George stole her from dinner. "It doesn't even matter that much. It was bound to happen. It's just the beginning of our relationship arc."

"How do you know that?" Ron asked, chewing some of his own chicken leg.

"I manifested it."

She waved away their confused looks and Eli's amused one, "but at least now I promise to give my undivided attention to Harry's lessons."

Harry gave her a small thumbs up in appreciation.

"Does that mean we can go back to the lesson at hand?" Eli asked in a bored tone. He flipped his wand and caught it, repeating the action.

The others that had gathered around to hear Stella's current gossip of her love life, nodded their heads looking at Harry for the approval, seeing as Eli had already said many times that he wanted to go back to teaching.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you have a teacher kink." Stella muttered as they all resumed.

Eli graced them all with a sly smile, "yeah. What are you going to do about it? Call me 'mister' maybe?"

"Ugh. You are such a creeper. I wish Ham was here to scold you."

He laughed, and moved to a second year in need of help. He guided her wand movements with his hand before allowing her to perform it on Stella. She shot back in surprise, the girl's eyes widening.

"I'm sorry!" The twelve year old squeaked.

"Eli!" Stella slumped further into the ground, feeling like it's where she belonged.

Rather, she'd feel better if Draco was the one who had shot her back. Then she shook her head, trying to dismiss the invasive thoughts. But she wanted to welcome them.

After all, she had made so much money from featuring him in her TikToks. Stella had many plans for her future videos, but there ideologies were too different.
She huffed out in annoyance, "of course it wouldn't have worked."

If Leo were here he would've said something mean and told her she deserved it. Then again Abraham would've comforted her and told her that it was Draco's fault.

But it was both of their faults.

"It's okay." She reminded herself, refusing to let herself believe she had any fault in believing in what she did. "We're just back to the enemies arc. We'll shoot back into the lovers arc asap."

A figure blocked her view of the room's high ceiling. "Stella, I thought you were going to put more focus in my lessons." Harry sighed.

"I have adhd, I don't even remember saying that."

Eli popped up right besides him. Now she had both teachers looking down at her as she laid down and had her main character moment.

"You can't seriously be sulking about that idiot that broke up with you." Eli scoffed, deflecting a spell moments before it was casted.
Probably his Seer abilities acting up again.

Stella frowned, "I'm not sulking. I'm having a Y/N moment, and am waiting for a drop dead gorgeous side character to pull me back up."

Eli pushed aside the non existent long hair, "he's arrived."

"Yeah." Stella agreed. "Thanks for bringing me back to my feet, Harry." She stood, "now teach me your ways, mr. Harry, sir."

They left Eli standing there as Harry caught her up on what the others were working on. Though he didn't stay there for long when he went to go bother Hermione and Ron, insisting that Ron was doing something wrong.
Maybe just to humiliate him.

"Alright, the charm's 'Diminuendo', you just point it at the target and-"

Stella shifted to face Harry fully, pointing her hand at him and readying to say the charm before he stopped her. "What?"

"Do it on the wizard dummy."


"I-no. Those wizard dummies." She turned and saw many wizard dummies built like wannabe roblox characters.

Stella readied herself again, "Diminuendo!"  And the wizard dummy shrieked at incredible speed, startling Stella. She brought her leg up until her knee touched her stomach, expecting the dummy to attack back. When it didn't, she crouched down, eyes swimming with pity. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Dylan."

"Did you just name the wizard dummy?" Harry covered his mouth with his hand to hide his laughter.

"Yes. Of course I did."

He dropped his hand, smiling at her. Harry then made his way to others, speaking to them all. "Working hard is important, but there's something that matters even more: believing in yourself."

Eli snorted, following Harry's lead. "Correct. Believing in yourselves is important, but don't be too overconfident in what you think you can do... Well, unless you're me, then I suppose you have every right to be overconfident."
His lips tugged up to a small smile, that he hid from the others, truly thinking that he said the best piece of advice ever.

"Right... Er- Think of it this way, every great wizard in history has started out as nothing more than what we are now: students."

"Except for me. I was naturally the best since birth." Eli countered, fixing Stella's position and watching her fire another spell. "Not quite, stop adding so much flair."

"But you add flair."

"That's because I'm me."
She rolled her eyes, looking to Hannah Abbott with the expression of 'Can you believe this guy'. Hannah only laughed lightly, before taking her own chance at a charm.

"Hannah." Stella whispered while Harry continued to make his speech, "can you call Fred and George?"

Both girls looked over at the twins that were separated by their business enemy, Nesryn Watson. They seemed to be in another deep conversation, probably arguing over sale prices. Something absurd that required one to think.

"Never mind." Stella wondered who else would be capable to float her in the air with the intentions of having an air battle with Colin Creevey who was back in the air.

Her gaze found Eli, who was back to contradicting Harry's every word. He wasn't reliable though. And as much as she liked to think he was, he wasn't.

And the sad, undeniable truth that the two of the most important people to her, Draco and Eli, were both equally untrustworthy.

BREED:DIFFERENT -d.malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now