aladdin original vs live-action

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- personally, if you like the live-action you're wrong. 


 Her parents stood, startled by the noise. The normal party people had already left. Stella, her two friends, and Theo remained.

Heavy ragged breathing was the only noise besides the fire crackling. Leo reached for the nerf gun that he had gotten as a Christmas present from Abraham, and Ham reached for the one Leo had gotten him.

It was funny how well they knew each other, but i guess that just happens when you live with each other.

They cocked their guns and Stella grabbed her wand from her boobs, an efficient place for hiding. It was like a magical compartment, you could keep stuffing things inside and there'll always be space for more.

A familiar face emerged and turned on the light.

"Why the fuck are you guys sitting in the dark? Creepy as hell."

"Elijah?" Eleanor asked.

He took large breaths in and out. "That's not my name. It's just Eli."

Stella tripped forward. "Eli? What's wrong?"

His hand clutched his wand and he was drenched with melting snow. His eyes were dilated and kept looking back and forth wildly.

"Where have you been?" Theo stood.

He didn't even seem fazed by the wands in the room. Just concerned for his cousin.

"I'll tell you later," Eli said. "Help me secure the house and put it on lockdown. Watch out for the fireplace."

And, shockingly, Theo pulled out his wand and nodded.

"You got it."

"No, because what the actual hell," Stella mumbled. "Where's my phone? I've got to film this. I'll name it, 'bestie goes insane."

"Is everyone a wizard except for us?" Abraham asks Leo, "are you one too?"

"Stella!" Robert scolded. "Eli, what's going on?"

He moved around them, peeking out the window. "They're coming for Stella. Theo, did you secure the fireplace?"

"Yep. No one's going in or out of that place. Not until I say so."


Stella walked up to him and grabbed his hand. It was shaking and she couldn't tell if it was from the cold or something else. "Hey, talk to me my broski. What's going on?"

Eleanor had gone up the stairs claiming she was over this ridiculous prank and her father stood there as if waiting for further instructions.

Like bruh, just say you're scared😐

Eli's eyes landed on hers and she tried to send him a message through her eyes, but that shit only works in the movies.

They just weren't on the same wavelength.

"C'mon. You're scaring me. Just like the guy who cosplayed as Willy Wonka on TikTok did."

Theo snorted, "don't lie, you had a major crush on that guy, didn't you?"

"Theo, shut up!"

Eli's hand slid up to her wrist, tugging her closer. He leaned in and whispered into her ear. "I'm sorry I couldn't stop them."

His cold breath sent shivers down her spine, Stella was lying if she said she wasn't the slightest bit affected by his actions.

"Buddy, what are you talking about?"

BREED:DIFFERENT -d.malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now