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chapter twenty-two; M-I-C-K-E-Y
not me coming in clutch with a filler😎

"HELL TO THE MOTHER FUCKING NO." Eli spluttered, stepping onto the couch to cover Minerva's ears. "Don't listen to that idiot, Minnie."

Abraham rolled his eyes, dragging Dumbledore around. "It's not like it's going to happen, not like it's set in stone."

Minerva, only trusting Leo, turned to him and whispered, "what is this nonsense? And you boys, haven't I told you to not come barging in before? I don't have any cookies."

"We didn't come for cookies this time, Minnie, but thanks for the offer." Eli said before Leo could respond. "You wrinkly, phat piece of toe, get away from Minnie."

"Mr. Palmer!" Minerva scolded.

"C'mon Eli, let them have their Netflix moment." Abraham advanced toward the pair.

"No! You see him-! He's old enough to be her great great grandpa!" Eli jumped down from the couch, where Leo was readying for slumber, and shielded the witch. "I'll sacrifice my life for Pakistan for you"

The Headmaster rolled his eyes, "Eli, I just want a word with Minerva."


"They don't get that reference." Leo mumbled.

"Oh dear." The witch placed a hand on her heart, "I'm afraid my heart won't be able to take any of this."

"Minnie, hold on for me. Just a bit longer before I vanquish the evil-doers."

"It's about your friend, the girl, Stella Holland." Dumbledore said as calmly as ever. This time he wasn't shoving people aside and slamming someone into something.

As if he were snapped out of a trance, he dropped his playful but dead serious manner and frowned. "Stella? What about her?"

"You are such a different person when someone mentions Stella, it's disturbing." Ham murmured, but he knew why. He knew the fawking tea but didn't share🙈

Stirring, Leo said, "what did she do now? No, we won't pay for it, we're as broke as she is."

Dumbledore allowed himself a smug smile, "and yet you had enough for three plane tickets, yes?"

Leo snapped his eyes open, Abraham visibly went pale, and Eli deadass growled. Mans was ready to go 'ARF ARFF, WOOO, WOOF WOOF, ARF' at the headmaster.
"You don't want to go there, mister sir."

Ah yes, and we reach the feint rising action. Where the reason Stella was on the news😌

"Albus, these are just children. You will do no such things as talking about things that they are clearly uncomfortable with." Minerva gave him a pointed look, "just carry on with what you have to say."

"I've... Figured out her heritage."

The three said in unison.

Leo, propped up on his elbows, peered up at them. "And do you plan on sharing?"

"I don't feel like giving away very valuable information just out of generosity. I want to know more about you, Mr. Eli Palmer."

Now, Minerva stood in front of the boys. Although she would never say it aloud, the boys did remind her a lot of a group of four from back in the days.

"Mickey would never do this." Eli said harshly. He avoided the stare of his friends.

He stood out from behind Minerva, hands in pocket, and lazily walking to the wrinkly toe. "Well, it seems you caught me. 'Suppose I couldn't exactly hide from you." Eli let out a soft chuckle, ruffling his hair with one hand while the other stayed in his pocket.

"Yes, I suppose you couldn't." Dumbledore answered.

Eli pursed his lips, "well? Albus? You know why I'm here, after all, I would never leave Stella at the hands of someone like you."

"Bro, what is he talking about." Abraham asked.

"Does it really matter? Stella's involved, whatever the idiot did he did it for a reason." Leo slapped the back of his head 🧑🏼👋🏻, he really do be slapping.

Upon seeing Minerva frown, Eli gave her a small smile, "c'mon now, Minnie. Turn that frown upside down!"

"Well, Eli, as I suspected, you never told anyone... I wouldn't either." Dumbledore said, amused. "But I noticed the moment you walked onto the school grounds. I felt your presence."

"Wow. He really do be acting like I'm a powerful being,,, chile🙄" Eli snorted, not coke that's for later, "I'm only a wizard that happens to have the all seeing eye, and a spy for the Dark Lord🤪"

"WHATDIDHESAYY😃" The two boys and even Minerva said in unison.

"Yeah, sorry for not telling you boys. It was kind of a necessity, or you know, you would've been killed."

"Erm- do we still get killed? Cause like-"

"Leo, can you stop being so fucking suicidal for a moment and let me have my montage." Eli sighed, "so yeah. Ya caught me, boo hoo. Whoops, still I'd never let you get near Stella."
He came closer to the man, whisper so only he could hear, "I know that you're grooming the Chosen One for death, and I won't allow you to do that to Stella too."

Then, with a casual, calm smile he turned to the others. "Minnie, have a beautiful night. And, since the facade is down," he murmured a spell, summoning his wand.

"What the fawk" Abraham followed behind him. "The tea was boiling🤭"

How could that stupid shat-head be a wizard, an oracle, and a spy for the so called Dark Wizard.
But he wasn't like the rest *does the debby*, he was ✨different✨ He wasn't like the other Dark Wizards.

And he seemed high rank for Draco to have never seen him around.
That meant he was very good at his job, and that, the two boys trailing behind him thought, wasn't a very good thing.

"I hope you two understand that what you heard can't exactly be repeated." Eli said with a dangerous smile.

"I'm not gay, but that's hot." Abraham shoved Leo in the ribs before catching up to Eli. "So, can you tell me if I married that one girl from New York. I mean I had suspicions that we had something, but now that I know that you can do this, c-can you tell me?? Or is that against the seeing eyes rules??"

Back in the room, Minerva looked sHOOOK. "You knew? And what will you do with the boy?"

"Nothing. He is a valuable asset. A necessary piece in the game we're playing. That boy," Dumbledore stared at the door, "he's in love with her. And from what I can tell, he isn't aware of it. That and of who she is sired from."


Minerva, still sh00k, she gave him a small glare. "Do not hurt those boys. Eli has a good heart."

"Yes, indeed, but that's still dangerous when he's in love and is a powerful wizard."

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