Jillian Morgan I

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chapter twenty-nine; Jillian Morgan I

•abuse •kidnapping •parent arguments •kicked out of the casa
do not read part 1 (this chapter) & part 11 ,,if you are uncomfortable with these situations ❗️❗️

about a year ago
the before-

Stella stood in front of her friends, crossing her arm and looking her opponent up and down with distaste.

The woman scowled at her, "didn't your parents teach you how to speak to your elders?"

"No, the literally don't pay attention to me. But did yours teach you the basic rights of a teenage child?" Stella retorted.

Kira Palmer walked outside into the front lawn of her house. "What's poppin'?"

She took in the scenery and a small frown graced her beautiful lips.

Stella shielded Abraham from his ✨wonderful mother. He cried into his hands, sniffing ever so slightly. He trembled so much that Leo was worried he'd topple over.

"Hey man, you don't have to see this. We can take you into the house." Leo offered.

"No! My son is not going into that house with that- that bitch and her fuckboy of a son! And the weird tech nerdy boy and the blond bimbo that can't think for herself!"

"Excuse me😃"  Stella placed a hand up, "look me in the eyes and say that stupid shit to me again."

The woman, Jillian, stuttered a bit, but didn't repeat her words. Instead she said, "Abraham, come over here. I'm taking you home this instant. You are not to come here anymore."

Leo sneered, "the 'tech nerdy boy' says no. He's not going anywhere with the 'brown haired bitch that can't seem to finally accept that her son doesn't want anything to do with her anymore because he's finally had enough of your shit'"


Because Abraham was done being verbally and physically abused from his mother. He was done.

The purple green colors on his skin were covered with his tears, as he looked into the eyes of his mother. "Mom, I can't. You don't love me. And I can't do that."

Jillian ignored him and moved forward, to grab his wrist. But Stella moved into her path and blocked her from him. "I think the fawk not."

She slapped Stella.

There was a small silence. But Stella laughed, "I don't know about you man, but I think that's child abuse."
And then she proceeded to slap her into next month.

Kira sped walked to them, pulling Stella off of the woman. "Kids, you go inside of the house. Me and this skank are going to have an adult conversation.... Unless I have to dumb it down for a certain someone."

They didn't go into the house, but they watched from a safe distance. Stella hugged Abraham as he apologized for his mother's behavior, but she whispered comforting words into his ear, telling him that it wasn't his fault.

"Those are thirteen,, fourteen-"

"Fifteen!" Eli called out, rubbing circles on Ham's back.

He was seething when Jillian slapped Stella, but he felt more satisfied when Stella slapped the shit out of her.

"-Fifteen year old kids. I know you're not saying and doing things like that in front of them. You are a disgraceful piece of shit, you are that one person who does not deserve a child. A person who should rot in hell, but not even that would be sufficient." Kira said with a clear confident voice.

But somehow, the women got into a 'cat fight' and the fucking neighbors called the police- (the audacity), and Abraham was pulled away. He was taken into the arms of his seemingly now loving mother, and shipped off to the next flight to the USA.

The trio sat on the concrete steps, shocked as they realized what happened. Kira had been taken into temporary custody since she already had a record, and Jillian had made it seem like she was the victim.

It was silent between the three of them, until Stella saw the drops of tears fall onto the concrete.

She heard the sniffling and the short gasps for breath.

"Why the fuck are we NOT DOING ANYTHING?!!!" Leo's voice shook but he spoke loudly. "He was TAKEN!"

"There's nothing we can do." Eli said calmly, thinking the situation over. This wasn't supposed to be his problem.

Stella's already hurting hand slapped him, "what is wrong with you?! He's our friend! There's always something we can do!!"

Leo stood and looked down at them, "I'm going to get him. You guys can come if you want to, but just know if you don't, don't expect things to go back to normal."

He turned his back and walked away.

Stella stood as well, looking at Leo's figure. "I'm going too. He's our friend. Ham would do the same for you." Tears slipped from her eyes as she recalled the frightful screams that erupted from Abraham as soon as his mother had laid her hands on him.
The arms that desperately reached out for them, but the cops held them aside.

Eli looked up at the sun that was setting and sighed. He didn't want to go. In fact, he didn't care. It was life. There was just a few things that you couldn't fix, and yet those screams and desperate arms haunted him. He wasn't supposed to care. It was already in his nature not to.

Besides, he had to leave for a mission his mother had specifically given to him, but he couldn't find it in himself to leave this situation alone.

Not when Stella had those tears streaming down her cheeks. Not when Abraham's shouted for help. Not when Leo, who showed no interest in things, stood and declared he was going to take his friend back.

He hung his head low, and whispered, "fuck." as he stood, hands in pockets and walked towards his only friends.

"We'll get on a plane. We'll get Abraham. And we come back." Stella announced when he reached them. "In and out. No mess ups. We can't have that woman know we're coming."

Leo grit his teeth, "let her know. Let her know we're coming. Let her know and prepare. In the end, she'll fail."

Stella would be lying if she wasn't slightly scared of this new side of Leo, but Eli gave them both a wicked grin and pulled them close, easing her worries away.

"Let's give 'em hell, huh?"

author's weird note
oh, your favorite character is eli? don't be shy,, go check out his own fanfic set around this time, called Inoubliable  !!

cant wait for part two huh?? well I guess you'll just have to wait until the following week.

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