The Disease Called 'AWKWARDNESS'

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chapter eighteen; The Disease Called 'AWKWARDNESS'
3rd POV

"COME ON, JUST TRY ONE OUT." The twins dragged the Muggles around.

Eli recoiled away from the candy given to him, "no. That don't look right. I don't trust you."

The twins only grinned back in responses. Our poor Abraham was hungry asf, he'd take anything that's related to food.

"Ain't gotta tell me twice." He popped one into his mouth, swallowing it.

"Oh, bruh. Don't choke, my guy." Eli worried pat his back.

'Where's Leo?' You all must be asking, well it's as simple as this... Our Dino obsessed teenager is up in the dorms taking a nap.

Abraham's face enlarged, a huge chunk of it flopping down.

"EW, THE FAWK." Eli then laughed, "saggy ti-"

At the entrance of the Gryffindor's Tower, Neville stood. He was racking his brain for anything that could help him remember what the password was.
Stella spooked up from behind him, tapping him on his shoulder.

"What it be, what it do, my broski?" Stella grinned.

After two hours of Draco relentlessly pouring knowledge into her brain, she called quits. Stella's excuse was that her brain was going into overdrive, but she lowkey was undressing him with her eyes👀

"Oh. Hi Stella."

"I- wow. You are literally my favorite soft boy ever, like wow. Let's make a TikTok."

Sudden flashbacks of her yelling at Colin come flooding into his head. A small smile takes place on his lips, and he gently shakes his head. "Not today, maybe tomorrow? I'm trying to get into the common room right now, but I don't remember the password."

Stella nodded in understanding, "I know what needs to be done."

She knocked on the door, "I know you can hear me Fat Lady. Just let us in and no one gets hurt."

Stella turned and winked at Neville, "just let my buddy in. He's too precious for you to ruin."

"Stella, I don't really think-"

"Shhh. You don't have to do a thing."

Leo lazily walked down the stairs, draping his blanket over his shoulder. He was going to his friends, when he 'eavesdropped' on the trio's conversation.

"You've got to tell Dumbledore." Hermione said as Harry snatched back his hand.

At this, Leo's droopy eyes widen. "'Tell Dumbledore'?" In his mindset, if he got the latest Golden Trio tea, then he'd get the Butterbeer Dumbledore promised the one who would get the hottest gossip.
He smirked, he was so going to win the mysterious wizard beverage.

"No." Harry said. "Dumbledore's got enough in his mind right now. And I don't want to give Umbridge the satisfaction, I'm sure Stella wouldn't either."

Ron leaned in, "what? Stella too? She hurt her hand?" He took a deep breath, "bloody hell, Harry. The woman's torturing both of you. If the parents knew about this-"

"Yeah, well, I haven't got any of those, have I, Ron?" Harry clapped back. Inner book!Harry came out in this part- "And Stella's parents are Muggles, and I heard she was adopted so, her real parents wouldn't even care."

"Harry, you and Stella have got to report this." Hermione told him.

Leo frowned. Stella would tell them if anything had happened to her, right? Then again these mfs were hiding from her and she has so no idea that they're there.
Maybe it's time for them to reveal themselves to her🤔

Leo ✨chuckled✨and shrugged it off. He knew Stella could handle herself-

"If you don't open this door right now, I'm not going to throw hands because I'll feel bad about it, but I'll definitely tell Dumbly-Dore."

The Fat Lady rose and eyebrow, "and who might that be?"

Stella hunched up her back and pretended to stroke a long, inexistent beard. "Tall dude, long beard, always in a blue robe or something. Super fashion sense. 'Heard he was a gossip queen..."

The door opened, revealing two second years coming out, eyeing her weirdly. It was possibly because she wasn't exactly in uniform attire.
Stella hopped in excitedly, ushering Neville inside.
"See! Told ya I could do it."

He laughed that gentle laugh of his and said his thanks, turning the other way. Stella had previously hung out in the boy's dorm with George and Fred, staying up, working on their products.
Stella dashed up the stairs to get her tie and robe back, stumbling into Harry.

The two hadn't talked to each other much ever since you-know-what happened. Stella avoided eye contact, refusing to look him in the eyes because giiirrrll was not ready to face him after crying in his arms.

"Erm, I'm only here for my tie and robe. I'll be on my way out." Stella gave a hesitant smile. She felt awkward. She did not want to feel any of the energy.

Stella really wanted to yell, "nEGATIVITY BEGONE!"

But she just went around him, grabbed her things, and popped back out. She didn't even see the fact that Leo was back on the bed. He had gotten enough chisme (gossip/tea in Spanish), so he took another nap.
He wasn't even hiding😭

Harry was still '🧍🏻‍♂️'

"Uh, I'll be on my way now."

He grabbed her by the wrist, pulled her in, and then slammed her on the wall, giving her an intense look- nah I'm just kidding.

"Uh, I'm going to the Hagrid's Hut..."

Stella nodded, unsure of where the conversation was leading to. "Okay." She said.

"W-want to come with me?"

"W-want to come with me?"

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