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3rd POV

"WELL, DEAR. You'll have to transfer to this Hogwarts school in Scotland."

Stella Holland stood up, dropping the chair she sat on. "Huh? Hog Wards? What is that?"

Her adoptive mother crinkled her nose, "It's an exceptional school for crafting the minds of young people like you."

"What your mother is trying to say, is that you'll be leaving altogether. You'll move into the dorms with the students, and come back for holidays."

"Are you getting rid of me?" She asked. "If it's because I did that tik tok that got me on the news, I already said sorry."

Her adoptive parents glanced at each other.
"You were on the news?"

"If I'm being totally honest, I thought you already knew. Don't worry about it, Mother. It's fine! I didn't get sued!"

Their eyes widen. "What do you mean?! I knew that app was a bad thing for you!"

"Eye-" She said, covering her mouth to stifle her laughter. "I'm sorry. Mother, Father, please excuse me while I go laugh." Stella turns around and starts to laugh, her parents seeing the uncontrollable shake of her shoulders. 

She took in a deep breath and then turn back around, completely unemotional. "Now what was it you wanted to have a sit down, and talk about?"

Her parents gave each other another look. They still couldn't believe that their daughter could turn her emotions off like that. It creeped them out.

Deciding to brush things off, Eleanor cleared her throat. "Well, there will be a family on their way here. They'll be showing you around."

Stella frowned. "What? It's still summer."

"Yes, but there are many different accustoms in their world." Her father, Robert said. 

"How so?" 

They looked so intently at her, she was tempted to go to her room and say, "chile." 

"It's for the best, love."

"Uh- okay?"

Stella cringed, "why does it sound like you guys are dying, or something like that."

"Magic is real. You're a wizard, and you've been accepted into a school for witches and wizards."

Robert gasped and slapped his wife gently. "Eleanor!"

Stella let out a sort of giggle, and did the peace sign. "Chile, anyways."

"Stella, we're being serious. You're a witch, and a pureblood. A family with a big name out in the wizarding world is coming to take you in two days."

"You're wrong, but pop off." 

"Stella Holland, stop that." Eleanor demanded. She looked at her daughter with such a stern look, anyone would've been scared, but Stella laughed again.

"I'm sorry, but like... I'm magical now. Aren't I?" 

"Yes, but-"

She grinned, "hold that thought. I'm going to Eli's house."

Stella grabbed her jacket, phone charger, and keys. "I'll be right back, dears!"


Stella flopped onto Eli's bed, she was tired. They had just finished doing the chika dance. 

Yeah, Stella was a bit tik tok famous, maybe even competing Charli for the top spot. But the difference was that Stella was the literal representation of gen z, and she was a big fan of anime. 

BREED:DIFFERENT -d.malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now