the First Fanclub🤩

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chapter twenty; the First Fanclub🤩
3rd pov

" I JUST KNOW THAT THE TWINS ARE PACKING." Stella told Luna. Luna hummed back in response, petting something that the blond couldn't see.

After Harry had asked her, Stella had politely decline. A bitch was not ready for ✨confrontation✨
She was tryna yeet herself out of there ASAP. Stella practically dashed out of the common room, completely ignoring a laughing Eli and a distraught Abraham, they didn't notice her either.

Though the twins did, and they very obviously tried to gain her attention.

Stella ended up stumbling into Luna 👑, so she just walked with her, pouring out her thoughts.

"Like have you seen George? And Fred 😩" Stella murmured, attempting to pet whatever Luna was petting. "They're an entire different breed, they're wonderful. And they're only two academic levels above? It's not a case yet,,,😼"

Luna glanced at her companion, "you shouldn't degrade yourself like that. You are worth a lot."

Stella stopped and looked at the love of her life.
I swear- Luna's voice is so angelic🥰

"Are you sure you still won't take my hand in marriage?"

Luna smiled gently and shook her head. She yet again declined her marriage offer. How tf is Stella not heartbroken yet?? She really don't know how to give up😭
She better stop before Luna starts to think she's weird and leaves her for someone better,,,,

Stella's insecurities kicked in❤️
"You don't think I'm a pushy person?"

"No, I think that's just how you are."

She really left Stella dumbfounded, "wait, isn't that the same thing,, or what? A girl is confused😔🤚🏻"

Luna ignored her and looked at the animals that Stella couldn't quite see. "The view is beautiful."

Taking the opportunity, she said,, "you're my best view😻"

"Thank you."

"I think Stella is getting abused by a teacher here." Leo readily spilled the pipping 🍵
"Something underwear,,,? I don't remember the name."

Eli perked at the sound of his friend's name, "what did you say? Stella's getting bullied?"

"No, dumb-bass. He clearly said she's getting abused, isn't that a different thing?"

Dumbledore silenced them with his hand, not looking away from Leo. He had a mixture of concern and amusement. The man was preparing Harry for death, ofc he was amused by one of his new students getting abused by a new teacher💀

Mans needa get his priorities checked.
"And? Continue, Mr. Coldwell."

"😦,,When the fawk did we give him your last name?"

"He's magical, Ham. Leave the magic man- MAGIC MIKE." Eli shouted. He pointed at Dumbledore, "you. Do you strip???"

"Magic Mike is just,,,🥵🥵" Abraham waved a hand in front of him, fanning himself. "Channing Tatum used to hit different."

Leo clicked his tongue in disapproval, "no. No he didn't."

"I agree with the one called Ham."


Stella turned at the sound of rustling, but the queen just stayed focused on petting the Thestrals in front of her.

"Hello, Harry Potter." Luna said in that soft, gentle voice that Stella loved.

Harry nodded in Stella's direction and looked down, "you're feet. Aren't they cold?"

"Bit." Luna admitted.

Just noticing, Stella gasped. "I never knew that you didn't have shoes on! Here take mine!" She started to
🌈pop🌈 hers off, but Luna only gave her a small nod, once again declining something Stella offered her.

She was real close to being heartbroken 😔 💔

"Unfortunately, all my shoes have mysteriously disappeared."

"You can have mine,, all of them. I don't mind. I'll just have Draco buy me some, he will mind, but it won't matter. He's like,, so rich it's pathetic."

Harry gave her a confused glance. He still wasn't exactly sure how they were aquatinted with each other. Draco and Stella? Never would he imagine the two of them hanging out, those two are such opposites it'd be impossible for them to have a civil conversation.
But he had heard it from the twins.

Fred and George are prepared for shit to go down. They are trying everything to get the Muggle boys to 'accidentally' bump into Stella. They are also 'accidentally' spreading rumors about Draco and Stella.

It is their last year after all. The two of them just want fun after all🤷🏻‍♀️

"I suspect the Nargles are behind it."

"Hold on," Stella pulled out her phone, "hey sir, what the fawk is a Nargle?"

"I'm sorry, I couldn't quite catch that."

Groaning, she repeated her question.

"Showing results for 'What the fook are gargoyles.'"

Blinking repeatedly, she murmured, "this is not at all what I asked. I'll just have to nag Draco about it later."

"What are they?" Harry nodded his head toward the Thestral that was leaving.

"They're called Thestrals. They're quite gentle, really, but people avoid them because they're a bit,,,, different."

Not Luna unintentionally triggering one of Stella's traumatic experiences when she was in the eight grade🤩

(sorry- this author is not from the "over there land",,, so I don't know the correct eight grade term for that😭😔)

"What does she think she's doing? Instagram model? Musically?"

"She won't make it being famous either way🙄"

"She's just different. Weird. Filthy little brat. She'll never be like us."
13 year old Eli stuck out his tongue, leading the 13 year old girl away.

"I'm not even worried about it. Not even phased. Don't be over dramatic." Stella laughed, holding in the tears. Laugh through the pain👍🏻😃
"Seems like fan behavior to me anyways,,, I've got my first fan club"

Shaking the PTSD away- she focused more on the conversation they we're having. Thinking about Eli made her think of the other two, and that lowkey made her homesick. She desperately wanted to go see them, too bad she was a dumb bitch and didn't know that they were closer than expected.

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