super secret hideout place

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chapter thirty; Super Secret Hideout Place

"SO, DO YOU HAVE A SUPER SECRET HIDE OUT PLACE YOU KNOW OF?" Stella skipped alongside Draco, who was walking to the Black Lagoon for a breather.

And Stella decided to join.


"Because-" Then she stopped, remembering the clear instructions Hermione gave her.

'don't tell anyone who didn't sign the paper about this'

"Because?" Draco urged, being curious.

"Because I'm looking for a secret place to hookup in😩"

Draco resisted rolling his eyes and throwing her into the lake.

jealous much?🙄🤚🏻

"Just for that?" The light tone he had dropped, and it looked like he became a whole other person.

like damn,, ogey.

"Yeah,, like hook me up with Blaze or idk,, let me suck Dean off🤷🏻‍♀️"

(inspo from a dear reader😩)

Stella bumped shoulders with him and gave him a small smirk, "maybe you and I-"



Then the awkward silence settled in and decided to stay for a good ten minutes.

And then, "can I kiss you?"
It was out of the blue, but ever since Stella pulled that shit for created funds, she couldn't stop thinking about how badly she wanted to smash her lips on to his own. She wanted to smell his apple scent and think of the apple x Draco Malfoy fanfics she read when she made a TikTok of Draco eating an green apple.

A fan really decided, 'hm,, Draco x green apple!! great idea😃'

And although Draco thought that not much could scare him, nothing in the world was scarier than thinking he was starting to crush on the very girl he wanted to throw into the lake.

Stella stepped in front of him, and slowly walked closer. She gave him a chance. She really did. She gave him time to step away and deny her, but no.

It was like he was stuck. Frozen in time as he watched the ✨curtain of her hair✨ plummet down to her shoulders, slightly curving around her big ass head frame. Her blond hair complimented the light dust of pink she had littered across her cheeks.

Draco Malfoy wouldn't consider himself a soft person. But right now, in this moment, he couldn't help but melt at the sight of her. The way she slightly tugs at her sleeves, a nervous habit of hers. And finally, his eyes landed on her lips.

They weren't plump. No, they were flat😐,, and lowkey a bit chewed up,, probably another nervous tic she had.

Before they got any farther, he looked away remembering what he was, who he was.
"You don't want to get involved with someone like me."

"Why not? I'm sure if I try hard enough, I can believe that I'm a pure blood  or whatever. Since I don't really know what I am." Stella mumbled,, assuming it was their blood status. Which it was, but only part of it.

"You're acting weird. But I'm here for it. I mean, get it I guess." Stella shrugged.

Draco brought his hand adorned with rings up to his face, rubbing it with frustration. "That's not what I meant."

"Broski,, I think I like you. And the last time I confessed, he said he didn't even know my name. But now if you pull some shit like that,, I'll tell the entire school you art folder you keep at the bottom of your drawer, and draw penises." She threatened, "is this peer pressuring you into saying yes?" Stella asked desperately.

He shook his head and withheld his laughter. Draco took his hand off of his face and glared at the sun. He wondered why everything had to seem so perfect when the two were together.

Just a few months ago he threatened to fling her out of her window, and then off a bridge, and then said he'd chop off all of her Marvel POP collection she brought every where. Literally her dorm room is covered with about a dozen different Caps,, Iron Mans,, and such.

Just a few months ago he was teaching her the ropes around being a witch.

Just a few months ago they were only 'friends'

But if they were only friends then, what does that make them now?

He couldn't deny the feelings he felt, not that he would actually admit them aloud, but there was something there, and everyone could see it.

Stella stared at him with intensity, she reached out for his limp hand, gripping it with both of hers.

And right then and there, with the last little bit of self-doubt he had fade away for the time being, he wrapped his other hand around her neck and pulled her in.

Stella barely had a moment to react. She really didn't expect to get this far🧍🏻‍♀️

But their lips moved in sync, except for the few times they bopped foreheads and she laughed into their kiss.

It was surreal. Out of this world.

And then Stella woke up-

just kidding lmao😭

but they pulled apart, and Stella placed her head on his chest, hearing his speeding heart go faster.
And with the most vulnerable voice she's ever used she said,

"please don't break my heart. I'm like incredibly sensitive."

and Draco knew he fucked up because there were things he had to do. there were things she couldn't know of.

but for Stella's sake, he gripped her chin, forcing her to look at him. and with the fakest smile, he promised he wouldn't.

And there was no way Stella could see the future, so she gave him a genuine smile, "technically, this means you're my slave now."

and all the way inside of Hogwarts,  in a quiet little crook of the library, Eli and Hermione chatted. But Eli took a sharp breath, glimpses of the future coming at him all at once.

but there were only two pictures clear enough for him to make out.

Stella crying by herself and a train passing by quickly.

Eli squeezed his eyes closed, mentally shouting at the oncoming headache to go away. "Shit. I've got to go do super hero things and save the damn world🙄"

author's weird note

swearrr,, I tried to make this well written, BUT IT SEEMS RUSHED,, CRAPPY,, AND HALF HEARTED,, I do not like this chapter😭

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