Cramming is a Bitch

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chapter four: Cramming is a Bitch


She tilted her head to the side, "so you're tell me that "Avada Kedavra" is not the proper way to say hello?"

"No!" Draco sighed in annoyance. "That's one of the Unforgivable Curses. There's three of them, and you're lucky that you don't have a wand yet, and haven't killed anyone yet."

Stella frowns.
"Bruh, so you're telling me that a spell can do the work for me?"


"Oh, great! I have a list of people that ever crossed me." She turned toward the door, "let me get my coat, and we'll get a wand for me, then we'll pay the non-magical people a visit."

"Muggles." He corrected. "And you're still underage, so doing if you do any magical that's not on school grounds, can get you expelled from Hogwarts."

She nodded in understanding, "for portraying the bad boy act, you seem like a pretty good boy."

Stella pat his head, "good on you. Now tell me about the Unforgivable Curses."

"There's the killing curse, Avada Kedavra. No one has survived it."

His permanent frown twisted into a scowl.

"But?" She noticed the look, suspecting there was more to the story.

"But one person has."

"Bruh. You just said no one has ever survived it."

"Yeah? Well, he is no one."

Stella clapped her hands in anticipation, "I sense an enemies to lovers type of thing."

Draco glared at her. "Shut up."

"Ooohh. Shiver me timbers🙄"

"Harry Potter."

"Who? Hairy Pottery?"

"Harry Potter." He rolled his eyes.

"Oh." She nodded. "Who's that?"

"The one who survived the killing curse." He pointed to the white board he put up.

"You're welcome by the way. I should've never asked Leo's mum for a white board if I knew it was going to be used for teaching." Stella recalled the day she asked Leo's mother for a white board, the woman was a retired teacher with many teaching supplies.

"Shut up and learn."

Draco wrote a few things down, still not getting used to writing things down with a marker and not a quill. "He survived the spell that a powerful evil person directed at him."

"Oh wow. How old is he now? Like around his thirties I bet."

"Fifteen." He says in an monotone voice, "and he goes to Hogwarts."


"And he just so happens to be in our grade... The stupid bastard."

She rose an eyebrow, "and I take it you and him don't get along."

Then she remembered it. She remember what Dobby had once told her. That he had helped out a boy named Harry Potter.
Stella smirked, "definitely enemies to lovers vibe."

"What was that."

"Hm? Oh nothing."

Draco flicked her forehead, "stop being all spacey. We've got two more weeks before September first. You haven't even learned the basics."

"There's more?!"


"Goyle, was it?" Stella looked at him.
The boy nodded, "coolio. Could you maybe teach me how to magic? Maybe you'll be more lenient with me."

Draco smacked her with a stack of newspaper. Only it was the Wizarding newspaper, the Wizarding World's gossip, and Stella understood none of it. "It's not my fault you're too much of a dunce-face to understand what I'm teaching you."

Stella muffled her help of surprise, "all you do is abuse me! And call me names!" She turned and winked at his two friends, "not that I mind it😼"

"Sorry, Stella. We wouldn't be much help." Crabbe says as he continues to eat another desert.

"It's okay, bud."

"Pay more attention, idiot. We have a week left."

She rolled her eyes, and twisted her body to face the whiteboard. "Fine."

A picture noise could be heard. Draco turned around and made an annoyed sound.
Stella was on her phone.

'Draco won't let me take any breaks😔'
She wrote, and sent it to her story.

During her second month, Stella convinced Draco to get a WiFi box. She told him it would help her stay in touch with her Muggle friends.

"Stella." He said in a warning tone.

"Bruh, tomorrow is the first day of school. I think I've crammed enough."

She took a funny picture and sent it to the group chat with her friends in it.

The Three Idiots and a Star

bruh tomorrow is the first day of school
I heard I'm going to run into a wall
at  9 3/4 some shit like that
at kings cross

the american
it's two forty in the fucking morning

but where you sLEEPING?

im tired
i was😾

im always awake for you ;))


wish me look at magic school!

bitch can't even spell💀

she's not going to survive

she's too dumb

too much dumb bitch energy🧚🏻

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