Woman in Pink

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chapter eight; Woman in Pink

"I DON'T LIKE THE WAY SHE GIGGLES." Stella rolled her eyes, watching as the professor dressed in pink stood up.

"Thank you, headmaster, for those kind words of welcome." The new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor stood in front of Dumbledore. "And how lovely to see all your bright happy faces smiling up at me."

"I'm not smiling." Eli whispered, Stella saying the same thing to her new friend.

"I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends."

Stella snorted, "miiisss giiirrll."

Abraham and Eli stifled their laugh when the twins spoke in unison... "That's likely."

Dolores Umbridge gave everyone a pointed look. "The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance." She began to walk around, "although each headmaster has brought something new to this historic school..."

The woman glanced at Dumbledore, who gave her a strained smile and nodded.

"-Progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged."

Stella nudged Hannah, "she sounds like she's speaking in italics."

"-What must be preserved, perfect what can be perfected, and prune practices that ought to be prohibited." She giggled.

And Stella happened to find his stare. She looked at him and did the roll her eyes and smile combo. Draco shrugged, giving her an annoyed look.
He then pretended that he was sleeping.

Stella snapped out of her small interaction with Draco when everyone started clapping. She hesitantly joined in.

"Thank you, Professor Umbridge. That really was most illuminating."

"Wow. Fancy words."

"The Ministry's going to be interfering at Hogwarts." Hannah sighed.

"Oh..." Stella awkwardly looked around, "what's the Ministry?"

"Basically a magic counsel that dictates over witches and wizards."

Stella nods in understanding.

Draco keeps sneaking small glances at her, secretly hoping that she'll fit in with the Hufflepuffs.
He cringed as he remembered the conversation with his father the day before September first.

It was right after his lesson with Stella had ended.
He cornered him, stoping him with the end of his cane.

"Don't get attached, Draco." His tone was dead. "We can both tell that she won't be a Slytherin."

"I know." He grumbled.

"Do you? Because I notice all of the things you let slide."

Draco meets his father's gaze, "I don't let anything slide."

"Right." He said with a hint of suspicion.

Draco looked back to Stella, laughing and acting all smiley. He still wanted nothing to do with her. He was happy he was finally freed from the responsibility of taking care of her.

"Are we not allowed to talk to Stella anymore?" Crabbe asked, eating a cupcake.

"No, you big oaf."

He frowned, "but she was different."

Draco laughed sarcastically, "her entire personality was different."

Goyle took the chance to jump into the conversation, "Stella would describe it as 'breed:different'"

"Don't listen to her, she's just as dense as you two."

And finally, the people started filing out of the Great Hall, heading to their houses.

Stella bounced up and down in excitement, watching the stairs change directions. "That is so amazing!"

"That's Stella Holland." Some whispered.

"The girl that wasn't discovered until fifteen." Others pointed.

She dropped her smile, and looked down.

"Shut your mouth." He said. "You don't know anything about her, so don't go whispering things behind her back!"

Stella whipped her head up. She knew that voice. And that voice was supposed to be in the Muggle World enjoying dinosaur theories.

"There's no way." She assured herself. "He can't be here. None of them can."

Eli and Abraham pulled Leo back from fighting a few third years, not that they knew what year they were in.

"I'll do it the non-magic way!" He whispered shouted, "give you a clean one right across the face."

"This is why you were suspended in second grade!" Eli hissed.

It was surprising. You'd think Eli would be the one to pop off and give them a good thrashing. Everyone thinks that, since Leo rather not associate himself with people too incompetent to understand him... And he normally works ✨smarter✨ not harder.

But sometimes that just ain't the case.

"Shut up, you dumb-bass." Abraham covers Leo's mouth, quickly uncovering it when he licked it.

Leo really said, "👁👅👁", but angry version.

"That's disgusting."

"Hide before the witchy people find us and sacrifice us at the stake." Eli hurried them into an empty corridor.

"What about Fred and George?"

"We'll find them."

"Or will we?"

"Stop being such a pessimist, Leo!"

"And what do we have here?"

The new voice made the three boys stop dead in their tracks.

"Well?" The old man rose his eyebrow. "I don't recall having any of you as students. Who are you three."


"Did- did you just malfunction?" Eli laughed at their American friend.

"Wassup, sir." Leo saluted.

"Maybe I'll ask again, who are you three?"

author's weird note

if you guys have more genz things (emojis and phrases) then feel free to drop them because right now my mind is going blank for no reason😭

BREED:DIFFERENT -d.malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now