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Okay boys and girls here is the first chapter of this story and some of you might know that this isn't the first time y/n has appeared. Now for my question of the day and I know for those who read this it may cause a huge uproar in the comments so please be civil, the question is who is the better cinnamon roll izuku midoriya or iruma? For me I would have to say izuma since I like him a bit more than deku for some reason. (Honestly don't really know why?) Now with that all said and done let's get on with the story.


I flew back dad's house both happy and sad to be back in the demon world, happy because it has been so long since I have been here, sad because I must be a disappointment in dad's eyes. I will be an a probation period since my actions many hundreds of years ago, I wonder how the rest of the hundred demons are doing since our tits up plan. Then I began to think about how angel is doing since I have been gone but quickly stop when I see my old childhood home come into sight. It's strange though having spent so many years in the human world that everything in the demon world looks strange to me though I also felt the same when I first went to the human world. I began to land into the ground about fifty feet away from the front gate while I am glad that nobody that he has seen me since that wouldn't be any fun along with being very bad since I'm basically what the humans would call public enemy number one. I walked forward to the gates of the house while I notice that not much has changed about it. When I reached the gate I put my finger on the lock then used my magic to unlock it, the gates then opened up while I walked through it. When I walked through the gates they closed behind me while I walked to the front door, for some reason I could smell a human in the mansion for some reason. When I reach the front door I used the same spell as last time and the door opened up while I walk through so wondering why there is a smell of human here. When I walked through the hall I noticed that it was completely dark, even opera was not here. After about a minute or two of walking around I turn a corner and run into dad and opera, both of them were about ten feet away from me. It was silence for what felt like eternity as I looked at the two of them wondering what they think of me now that I have come back. Eventually after what I guess is a minute dad ran over to me with both of his hands held out like he was wanting a hug like he usually did when I was growing up.

Sullivan:"y/n! I'm so glad that you have returned to us!"

When dad reached me he wrapped his arms around me in a hug like he usually did before I tried to take control.

Y/n:"good to see you too dad."

Dad then moved back and placed both of his hands onto my shoulders, he looked quite happy and not disappointed at all like I thought he would be when I came back here.

Sullivan:"now that your back the authorities have told me that you will have to work with me so that I can keep an eye on you so I will be your boss now!"

He spoke in his usual childish voice as if he was not talking to a person who tried to take the demon kings throne. Though when I realised dad would be my boss I began to dread it since I knew what he was like as a boss.

Y/n:"well okay but now answer this question dad, why did I smell human come from the House?"

Dad smiled at me.

Sullivan:"well that also what I wanted to tell you y/n, you are now a father to my grand son Iruma!"

Y/n:"... What?"

Surly this can not be legal especially if Iruma is a human but I was more curious if he did this just because I was coming back.

Silvana:"I was getting so upset that levy and beliar got to brag about grand kids while I don't have any which upsets me since it has always been my dream to have one."

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