first day of class

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Hello boys and girls here is the next chapter of my welcome to Iruma school Iruma kun and this as the title of the the chapter says will be about the first class. Now for my question of the day and how do you think you time in school would be like if one of your teachers was like kalego? Personally I don't think he would like me since my personality would probably just anger him every time we meet. Also I don't think this was covered in the anime but in the manga we get to find out what the shop keeper did to kalego when iruma, Asmodeus, and Clara left him to the shop keepers mercy.

 Also I don't think this was covered in the anime but in the manga we get to find out what the shop keeper did to kalego when iruma, Asmodeus, and Clara left him to the shop keepers mercy

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I don't own and I don't know why but I wish that was in the anime but it dose tell us that the summoning seals don't last that long so a good bit of world building. Now with that all said and done let's get on with the story.


Me, Iruma, and dad were all eating meals with the plates of previous meals around me and Iruma since we may not share blood we do seem to share the same hungry stomach.

Opera:"have some more hell grey tea."

Opera began to post the tea into Iruma glass which the blue cinnamon roll looked up at opera.

Iruma:"it's so good, thanks."

Sullivan:"darling grandson! Were announcing classes today and I made sure to put you in a very special one."

This talk kind of reminded me of my breakfast before I went off to my first class.

Iruma:"special how?"

Dad then turned into his chibi form kind of jumping on his chair.

Sullivan:"well, you said that you didn't want to stand out because it makes you uncomfortable, so grandpa made certain that your wish would come true."

Dad then jumped up a bit while Iruma placed his hand onto the back of his head.

Iruma:"oh, that that was nice of you, thanks for doing that."

Dad then waved his fingers at Iruma while he had a smile on his face.

Sullivan:"think nothing of it."

Clara:"Iruma kins!!"

Clara/Asmodeus:"good morning."

It's nice that they come round here every school day.

Y/n:"I'm guessing that your friends will also be in same class as you Iruma."

Sullivan:"yes. I've put you all in the misfit class."

Knew it! So it really is like father like son.

Iruma:"did you say the misfit class?"

Small timeskip

I was walking with Iruma and his friends to the school while eating a sandwich, Iruma had just told Asmodeus and Clara that they would all be in the same class.

welcome to demon school iruma-kun X male reader insert (demon prince return)Where stories live. Discover now