clubbing and classes

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Hello boys and girls here is the next chapter of my welcome to demon school Iruma-kun story, which I hope that all of you are enjoying as much as I writing it. Now for my question of the day and that is were you ever part of a club? Personally I wasn't since most of the club's they had in my school didn't really interest me. Now with that all said and done let's get on with the story.


I ate some of my food as I sat with Iruma and his two friends, Iruma was trying the new food he could order from now that her had increased his rank. There was no one else here since the rookie hunting as it was called will start soon.

Iruma:"so this is a 'Beth's' meal!"

Y/n:"you know I could have ordered you the higher ranked foods if you had asked me Iruma."

Asmodeus:"and congratulations on raising your rank!"

Iruma then looked around the cafeteria seeing that the place was practically deserted.

Iruma:"speaking of which, there aren't many people here..."

He looked back at Asmodeus while I stuffed a whole of something that looked like a fried chicken into my mouth.

Iruma:"this is the first time I've seen the entrance to the freshmen's tower this empty..."

Asmodeus then had a smile on his face while I swallowed the chicken thing.


???:"excuse me!"

We all turn to where the voice came from seeing four girls nervously looking at Asmodeus.

Girl:"are you... Lord Asmodeus?"


The girls then rushed over to Asmodeus crushing Iruma under them but avoided me like the plage.

Girl:"it's the real thing!"

Girl 2:"he's so cool!"

Girl 3:"your hand! Lemme shake your hand!"

Kids today are so weird, what happened to saying hello, dose this make me old, I feel like I should be collecting a pension now that I no longer feel like one of the young ones.

Asmodeus:"lord Iruma!"

Asmodeus then looked at the girls who were crushing the boy under them which I hear for some guys wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.

Asmodeus:"get off him, you insolent bunch!"

The girls did get off of him and I don't think they even realised that he was under them until Asmodeus told them, all the girls walked away while Asmodeus checked on Iruma.

Girl:"I know him!"

The girl then took a few steps back.

Girl 2:"he's the one who made a teacher into his familiar, manipulated the beast of the valley, and even attacked his classmate! The super wicked devil!"

Iruma was shocked by what the girl was saying about him which technically is true except for the last part, I wrapped one of my arms around his shoulder and smiled.

Y/n:"looks like you are getting quite the attention from the lady's my boy! Soon they will come to you begging to be with you!"

Then some of the girls continued to walk back looking a little scared of iruma as iruma, looked quite upset by that.

Girl 4:"don't get near him or hell hit you!"

Girl 1:"eh? But his rank is Aleph right?"

When the girls heard that they immediately pushed Iruma away from Asmodeus but I kept a hold of him so he didn't fall to the ground.

welcome to demon school iruma-kun X male reader insert (demon prince return)Where stories live. Discover now