visiting old friends

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Hello boys and girls here is the next chapter of welcome to demon school Iruma and I hope that all of you are doing well. Now this chapter will be as the title says will be visiting some of y/n friends before he pulled a runner. Now for my question of the day and that is If you could save one and let the other die who would you pick between Clare and Asmodeus? For me I don't know if you will agree but I pick Asmodeus since I just like him better, plus he might be loyal to me when I save him. Now with that all said and done let's get on with the story.


I walked through these streets of the city where angel was living in, the place was a rather poor area filled with drug dealers, pimps, and other things. When I reached the apartment building angel was living in I walked through the door and up the stairs since he lives quite high up. When I reach his floor I looked for number six which wasn't too far and when I found It I knocked the door and waited for him to answer the door. When he opened the door his eyes were closed, he still looked the same as the say I last saw him.

 When he opened the door his eyes were closed, he still looked the same as the say I last saw him

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Angel dust:"okay I am comi-"

When he opened up his eyes he looked at me in shock, as if he thinks I was dead.

Y/n:"hello angel dust, did you miss me?"

He still looked at me shocked as I heard the oinking of fat nuggets his familiar.

Angel:"what are you doing here you bastard!?"

Not the welcome I was expecting to be honest.

Y/n:"well I thought you would like to see your boyfriend again after all these years."

I got a slap in the face from angel who got more mad at me.

Angel dust:"you think I would like to see you again after everything that's happened to me since you left!? Do you know what I have had to deal with!?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

Y/n:"if your still working at you old job then I have a few guesses."

I got slapped again.

Angel dust:"I've been under the thumb of a fucking pimp living on the poverty line because of you and your stupid plan to take over the demon world!"

I rubbed the side of my face.

Y/n:"I wanted to be the king, I'm sorry if you had to take the consequences of my actions but please I am only as..."

Then the smell hit me, this was drugs coming from inside his apartment, I looked at my old love.

Y/n:"angel, what happened to you?"

I could tell he knew what I mean as he looked away from me.

Angel dust:"everything that's what."

welcome to demon school iruma-kun X male reader insert (demon prince return)Where stories live. Discover now