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Hello there boys and girls here is the next chapter of my welcome to demon school Iruma which as of writing this chapter is being prepared in advance which still feels weird to me but I'm getting more use to it. Now for my question of the day and that is have any of you had a goal that you worked your rear ends for? You don't need to be specific, for me I did have a goal I worked hard for but now I realise that it no longer means much to me in the long run. Now with that all said and done let's get on with the story


Y/n:"I'm telling you these powers are amazing to have, not to mention all the other people that you get to meet in the red clan."

I looked at Gartos as he took a drink of the wine I brought him, he drank from a glass while I drank from the bottle getting rid of the middle man.

Gartos:"well, sure sounds like there has been a lot in your life since going to the human world, now could you answer a question for me y/n?"

I nodded.

Gartos:"what is your son y/n?"

I was a little concerned by the question since it was the way that he worded the question.

Y/n:"my son is a demon, what else did you think he would be after seeing the picture?"

Gartos cold empty eyes looked right at me.

Gartos:"don't play dumb, I know that the boy can't be your son, as well as small tell tail differences."

Y/n:"well, Iruma is just a little different from most, besides many demons look different from each other, have you looked in a mirror lately?"

Gartos:"don't try and fool me y/n, you know that I will find out soon."

Gartos then stood up and walked off cutting our visit short to my unhappiness since there was so much that u wanted to talk to him about. When Gartos left I left to walking out of the prison while pulling out a packet of sweets from my pocket to snack on Yamigedo then appeared on my shoulder which I knew was only because of one reason. I posted half of the packet into my hand and then shoved it into his mouth which seemed to make him quite happy.

Small timeskip

I walked through one of the many secret passage way though bablys, the one hundred demons made them so that we could get to anywhere in the school. I kept thinking of what Gartos had said and how he knows that Iruma is possibly human but what will he do with that knowledge, would he eat him, or research him. After minutes if walking and thinking I reached the exit of this passageway which lead me to a dark, wet, small, area, I put both pressure on the top as well as the bottom causing the large plants mouth to open up. I stepped out of its mouth seeing nobody was there though all the entrances and exits were placed in places that people would not normally be at. I walked around to where the area of the diabotany class is usually held. When I reached the area the students were standing Infront a wooden table with small plant pots Infront of them, I started to wave at them.

Y/n:"hey! How's the gardening going!?"

They turned to me all shocked that I seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

Iruma:"y- dad! Where did you come from?"

I smirked at Iruma.

Y/n:"well first I was a small sperm from my dad's privets before I took up residence inside of my mother's womb. Would you like to know more or is that enough for you guys?"

All of them shook there heads side to side since they that probably was not a story they would want to to continue.

Y/n:"well I'll be here to give you all help if you need it."

welcome to demon school iruma-kun X male reader insert (demon prince return)Where stories live. Discover now