rank up test

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Hello boys and girls here is the next chapter of my welcome to demon school Iruma-kun, which I hope that all of you reading are enjoying it as much as I am in writing it for you. Now I won't keep you to long so my question of the day and that is what out of all the ways we have seen you can get your rank increased in welcome to demon school Iruma-kun was your favourite and why? For me and this might be a manga spoiler but it is when they had to do a music festival which I can't wait to see in the anime. Now that I'm finished saying that and sorry for spoiling what will happen in season... Three or four, depends how many episodes it gets. Anyway with that all said and done let's get on with the story.


I sat on one of the rocks of the area where they will be playing cannonball execution which when I looked around I didn't see any castles or Cayman but dad has told me the rules of the game have changed quite drastically, when Asmodeus was finished explaining the history of the game Iruma looked quite worried.

Iruma:"t-that's terrible..."

Asmodeus nodded.

Asmodeus:"well however, there are a lot of casualties so now..."

He held out a rater normal looking back with the bablys crest on it.

Asmodeus:"well just use this ball to practice."

Iruma:"I see..."

He looked at me for some reason as Yamigedo was slivering around my body like he was some sort of snake.

Iruma:"didnt you say you did the only version dad when you were in bablys."

I thought back to my school days when I played the game.


3rd POV

We see y/n as well as the one hundred demons and the rest of the pupils of bablys throwing Caymans at his enemies on both teams which were the schools of Levialon and Jackapo institute, who were both in the Levianlon school since y/n and his arm had taken over Jackapo institute. Even though y/n was outnumbered at least two to one y/n did come out victorious standing atop a pile of body's of lady Levi and lord Belial children. Both the enemy academy's had many holes in them as well as some things getting stolen.

Back to present.


I nodded.

Y/n:"yeah but I think Asmodeus it taking things out of proportion, it was quite civilised."

Iruma:"I see."

Then Asmodeus leaned in which got Iruma attention.

Asmodeus:"once you enter the castle grounds, even though there's only one enemy to kill, everyone needs to work together to defend it..."

Then he gestured to an area that had chalk lines on it which to me is making this game look more and more like a dodgy ball.

Asmodeus:"but for now, to save time and costs, well decide the territory into two."

Iruma:"that's efficient!"

As Asmodeus explained on this game really was just a copy and paste of of Dodgy ball the ground that the humans have. They even played the game just like dodgy ball but I am a little worried about Iruma since when his class play against him it will be like a child against a professional team off there rocker's. Then by the time I focused back on Iruma eh was on all fours mumbling to himself so I stood up and walked towards him to give him some encouraging words in hopes of helping him. Before I could teach him what felt like his whole class appeared with smiles on there faces since I guess they also like this game.

welcome to demon school iruma-kun X male reader insert (demon prince return)Where stories live. Discover now