exam helper

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Hello there boys and girls i hope that all of you are ready to read the next chapter of my welcome to demon school Iruma-kun story that i hope that all of you are enjoying as much as i am writing it for you guys and girls. Now for my question of the day how smart do you think Iruma is, now to explain what I mean by smart I mean how well is his intelligence at blending in because he may hide his smell but all it takes is a crafty demon to pick up the warning signs if he doesn't know basic things. For example if someone came to our world and didn't know things life work, school, money, and stuff like that then we would question them and maybe wonder if they are human (maybe not that much but still.) but that is just me and with that all said an done lets get on with the story shall we.


Sitting in a side chair in the great one class room next to Kalego who gets to sit on top of a fancy looking chair while I am stuck sitting on the chair you would tell the stupid kid to look at the corner while wearing a cone shaped hat.

Kaelgo:"As the hand out you should have read say, your classes will be shorter starting tomorrow, that doesn't give you permission to slack off, because there shorter youll need to concentrate even harder."

the class then began to criticises what he said and they even pointed out he seems to be getting much more comfortable being here as he was leaning his arm onto the arm of the chair.

Y/n:"you could be nicer to them."

Then he turned to me and before his eyes landed onto me I looked up at the top corner of the room.

Kalego:"its almost the end of the termanis, and its crucial that you all pay attention."

Iruma, seemed to not know what the Termanis but Asmodeus explained what is was to him but I realised that Iruma was for lack of a better word, fucked. In all his time here we have not been giving him enough knowledge to pass this test, looks like we will be doing a bit of cheating. While the class was shouting out vacation Kalego, decided to ruin their good time.

Kalego:"Though of course you have your classroom exam so don't celebrate too soon."

Then the kids stopped celebrating and looked at him with scared expressions, seemed they did not think that far ahead, nice to see that things don't really change.

Lied:"classroom what now?"

Then all the class rushed to Kalego, who was still looking at the piece of paper in his hand without a care what the student think of him.

Kalego:"yes, you've already done your flying and magic exam, although if you fail you'll have to take makeup exams."

Kamui:"this is inasne!"

Kalego:"This was all written on your syllabus that why I told you to read them first you ninnies."

Then he had a smirk on his face when he finished making me wonder if he hoped they would fail.

Kalego:"after all its imperative that you get scores worth of the royal one."

The reaction from the people were mixed, some were fine with their own smarts while others were worried, When I looked at Iruma the colour was out of his face as it looked like he had the soul ripped out of him.

y/n:"ohh, this is going to be interesting."

Then the class was dismissed and Iruma went with his friends to their hang out, there batteler, as the students left I stayed in the room keeping my eyes on Kalego since I did want to talk to him about something but not Infront of the kids. When all of them he looked at me with his cold eyes.

Kalego:"why are you still here, aren't you usually the first one out of the door."

I nodded.

Y/n:"believe me, I know a much quicker way to get out of the room than the one the kids normally go through, but I want to ask a favour."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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