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Hello boys and girls here is the next chapter of my welcome to demon school Iruma kun story which I hope that all of you are enjoying as much as I am writing it for you guys and girls. Now for my question of the day and that is which other character in welcome to demon school would you like to see go into a wicked phase. Personally I would like to see what Kalego or Sullivan, would look like in his wicked phase personally I think that is we saw Kalego's, he would just be out right abusive to the kids that he is teaching. As for Sullivan I am not really to sure since the only time I can remember him being anything other than cute, friendly, or funny, is when the border patrol tells him he can't leave yet. Now please let me know what you guys and girls would like to see go into there wicked phase and with that all said and done let's get on with this story shall we.


Looking at Iruma, from across the table I was wondering what happened to him, he had appeared to be going through a wicked phase for some reason, humans can't have wicked phase, some have there time of the mount, some humans become intolerable during puberty, and others have some sort of mental problem. Dad, was crying onto the table since he didn't want Iruma, to go through a wicked phase, I don't really remember how he was when I went through a wicked phase.

Opera:"this is a total mystery, whatever could have ever happened to him?"

Dad, then began mumbling something that I couldn't understand to well, but maybe it was the food down here that has been causing this. Though it was quite interesting to see Iruma acting like this, reminded me of a younger me.

Sullivan:"I know what it must be!"

Dad, the slammed his head into the table while Iruma, continued to look through the news paper.

Sullivan:"he didn't turn rotten until after he joined the student council, e must be acting out because they overworked him. I'm going to give them a piece of my mind."

Opera, placed his hand on the back of dad, while I patted the back of his bald head for comfort while he continued to cry into the table. Soon Iruma, got up from the table and began to leave after he finished his meal while I stayed behind as this was one of my few days off and I was going to use my day off to book a place for angel dust, if needs be I could use my name as a bit of an attraction, just as there are countless people who fear me there are countless people who admire me for being the one to take the demon kings throne instead of it being handed to me. I looked up at Opera.

Y/n:"I'll leave you here to deal with dad, I need to head out soon as well."

Opera:"of course, have nice day."

I then patted dad a few times on hi head before I walked out of the room and to the cities to see if I can find a place for angel dust to perform. I was also hoping to come across some of the porn movies that he has been in as it will be nice to see if he has learned any new skills. When I was out of the house I could see Iruma and his friends Walking away in the distance I was worried about what would happen at school with Iruma, going through a wicked phase. I'm sure the school will be fine, after all it's dealt with many student who go through there wicked phase I'm sure that one human will not do to much damage. I spurted my wings out of my back and began to fly into the city to see if i can find a place that will let angel preform and then I need to find people to watch. I'm sure if advertisements were there saying I would be there that will attract quite a few people but then that might make Angel dust, want to kick my ass because I am taking the spot light away from him. While flying high above the grounds I passed by some of the people who were heading to school who seemed to be wondering why I was going in the opposite direction from the school. When I finally passed all of the kids I began to see the city off in the distance where Angel show will hopefully be held, but I still need to find a place which will let her preform, if needs be I could always use the methods I use to use when I was about the same age range as Iruma. While landing on the ground I was begining to get a little bit hungry, looking over my shoulder I saw Yamigedo, smiled at me while he was gripping ahold of my jacket. When I landed fully on the ground I began to walk down the streets trying to find my way around, being gone for a few centuries the place seems to have completely changed from what I remember, even the layout way different. Some of the people on the street were looking at me like I was an existing animal at the zoo, the first place that I entered looks like a performance area that I use to go to all the time and when I looked at the inside the place had completely changed. It was not run down, the opposite it was thriving though the place looked completely different on the inside, like I was stepping into a completely different building. Walking past all of the people who were focused on the dancers who were showing off there bodies to the rest of the people here, so entranced were they to the lady's and mens body's moving around the pole that they didn't notice me coming in which was for the best so walking over to the door that led to the back room I tried to make my way inside it but it was locked, no problem. Placing the tip of my nail at the key hole I used magic to stretch my nail out in length and shape inorder to turn it into the shape of the key. When I unlocked the door I walked right in with no one to stop me, good to see that hasn't changed much, while walking through the back room I reach the main office and inside it I see it was empty except for a sofa which replaced his old one which had three of its legs destroyed but this new one looked as good as new. As the room was empty I sat at the sofa in the room and waited for Karl, to get here or whoever is incharge now. As a I was waiting here I did hear the music coming from the main area of the building which wouldn't sound to put of place at a brothel which this place does double as, then the door opened up again and in came Aba, so he is still kicking and has a full head of hair now.

welcome to demon school iruma-kun X male reader insert (demon prince return)Where stories live. Discover now