opening up

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Hello boys and girls here is the next chapter of my welcome to demon school story which I hope that all of you are enjoying as much as I am writing it for all of you lovely guys and girls. Now I will go onto my question of the day and that is what character In the series do you hope that we will get to see more o our get expanded upon? For me I think the character's would be to the Sullivan to friends who argue about who has the best grandson since the three of them have the same job and I am curious how they they are as principales. That is just me and please let me know who you would pick and why? Now with that all said and done let's get on with the story shall we.


Looking down at the misfit class as they were rushing around from teacher to teacher to get them to stamp on their forms since if they can get all for the staff to stamp it then they are allowed access to the royal one, the classroom for the demon king. I had still to get back their and clean up the mess me and the one hundred demons made while we were in hiding after it had been long since clear that we would all be arrested. I had just been struggling to find a time to get away and do it since I am to keep an eye on the misfits and make sure they are not cheating in anyway which they could well be doing for all I care. When I looked at where Iruma was he was giving a hand to the gardeners which was quite interesting, even in his strange wicked phase he still helps people no matter what if they ask him.

Kalego:"are you sure that he is actually your child?"

I turned around to look at Kalego who still had his same look of annoyance on his face.

Y/n:"yes he is, my own boy, I think he came out well don't you, he has made many friends, shown to be quite a power house... and he has quite the unique familiar."

Upon me say that with a smirk on my face veins began to appear on his forehead but he calmed himself down before he flew into a rage.

Kalego:"speaking of that, I want you to get it into your sons head that he can not turn me into a familiar whenever he wants."

Y/n:"lets be fair on him, he has not done it that much and if he done it recently im sure it has something to do with his wicked phase so please just give him a break, at least until this... quest thing is done, then you can go back to being the lovable cranky old man we know and love."

I gave him a slight smile as he walked away from me seeming to be fed up with me taking the piss out of him but he launched his Cerberus monster at me but with a quick wave of my hand the thing disappeared in the blink of an eye, when I looked back down Iruma was still helping the gardeners while some of his friends were helping him out.

Y/n:"reminds you of us and the one hundred demons doesn't it?"

I turned to look at Yamigedo who had a smile plastered across its mouth as we then began to walk away from looking down at Iruma for one last time before I went to my desk into the room. When I sat down at my desk I began to look up videos on the computer out of boredom since I did not really have anything to do, while watching them I did notice that the room was empty now with just me there so I decided that I would check something a bit more private, when I searched up the XXX website to try and find some of Angel dust porn I was wondering if he has improved or has let himself go in the sex department. While I was looked I found a video that looked like it was recent enough so clicking on it I began to unbutton my trousers getting ready for the fun but before I could grab my pole I heard the door open. As quick as a flash I tuned off my computed and his my lower half under my desk while buttoning up my trousers. When I looked at the door to see who was coming in I saw that it was a large muscular man with long sliver hair that was in serious need of getting cut.

Y/n:"hello there, can I help you with anything?"

He turned to look at me and tilted his head with a confused expression but just the size, built, and appearance of the man I was a little bit worried to he was going to just go ape shit and try kill me.

welcome to demon school iruma-kun X male reader insert (demon prince return)Where stories live. Discover now