new election

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Hello boys and girls here is the next chapter of my welcome to demon school Iruma which I hope that all of you are enjoying as much as I am writing it for you guys. Now let's get on with the question of the day and that is do you think Iruma should have stayed with the student council or not in your opinion? Personally I think he made the right choice since I can't really see him in the student council and he would be better in a smaller battler with his friends. Now let's get on with the story shall we.


I sat on a chair in what looked like the personal office of the student council president which looked quite nice, one of the walls which used to hang up the names of every student when I was here, the floor was slabs which looked like the exact same one from my time here. I was here because Kalego and another member of the staff Morax, apparently something happened to the student council president who was sitting on the ground and they were right that something was wrong with her. Instead of the strong demon who would take no crap from anyone she now seemed to be a timid shy girl who seems to be embarrassed by who she use to be. She also changed clothes now sporting a pink dress that made her look cute if I am being honest.

Iruma:"will this be a hard spell to break?"

Iruma, looked at both Kalego and Morax.

Morax:"it's very tangled and messy for sure, imagine a sweater imagined by an amateur, miss Azazel, normal personality, her emotions and memories are all being effected by the spell very oddly. It would be impossible to undo the spell by force."

Y/n:"I'm willing to give it a try."

She turned to me with a disapproving look on her face but I would give it a shot since if school is the same as it was when I was a student then the longer this will last the worst it will be for her reputation when she turns back into normal.

Morax:"well, it's lucky for us that you can't just try to fix it on your own, this is something that will heal at some point."

She then looked back to Iruma and the student council.

Morax:"you just need to let her go about her day as she usually would and she will be back to normal. All we can do is keep an eye on her."

Then Kalego, eye turned to me and I didn't like the look that he was giving me.

Kalego:"well, this might hinder the efficiency of the student council, so y/n, I would recommend that you will help the student council while she is getting better."

All of the student council as well as Morax, looked shocked and I was a little bit hurt by how shocked they were, but then all but Iruma started to look depressed. Then Kalego, cleared his throat which got everyone's attention.

Kalego:"the student council are the role models of Babyls, the student council president who should set a good example for all appears inept if this should continue I shall consider shutting down the student council."

Y/n:"so no pressure!"

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a can and began to drink it as well as give Yamigedo some.


To the next day.

I kept my eye of the student council as I had no choice so I put a sign around my neck saying

Kalego forced
Me to be a member
Of the student council
If you have a problem
Tuff shit.

Right now one of the members who had both black and white hair was in how the student council puts it disciplining one of the delinquents. To me it looked like he was just bearing up the student who was causing problems, suppose there really is little difference in the nether world. The student council president was more for show right now rather than use since from what I have seen she has been more of a liability to them all. The student council then began to walk down one of the many corianders to do more of the duty that they had planned to do for today, I kept feeling my phone vibrating in my pocket and I knew that without looking at it that it was dad wanting to know how Iruma, was.

welcome to demon school iruma-kun X male reader insert (demon prince return)Where stories live. Discover now