welcome back party gift

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Hello boys and girls here is the next chapter of my welcome to demon school Iruma kun story which I hope that you are all enjoying as much as I am writing it for you guys. Now for my question of the day and that is what do you all think of Iruma wicked phase when you all first saw it? Personally when I saw it first in the teaser for season two at the end of season one I was not to sure what was going on since to me it was like... What the hell is going on with him? Anyway it was a good bit of mystery and when I read the manga I liked how it happened. Now let's get on with the story shall we.


I looked at dad as he was now in his smaller egg form hugging Iruma, who had had tackled onto the ground happy that he was back home after being with the student council. He gave me a hug before but Iruma got a bigger one, he really did want a grandson, huh. He has been doing this for the past week, in the entrance room was a large banner that said "Iruma-kun's welcome home party!!", in colourful letters but attached to the end of it was another sign which said after party!

Opera:"welcome home Iruma sir."

Iruma:"uh, thanks."

Taking dad off of Iruma, he stood up and noticed the banner while he scratched the back of his head.

Iruma:"w-wait, were having another party? It's been like this for a while week."

I nodded, dad really was the picture of a loving and doting grandparent, he was like this when I was growing up but not to this level.

Y/n:"and it could be like this for another week."

Sullivan:"well, you have been gone so long and I'm just so happy that you have came home from the student council!!"

Iruma, laughed a little bit nervously.

Sullivan:"although, your last welcome home party was yesterday."

Iruma what's this then?"

Sullivan:"why, this is you welcome home party, after party!"

Iruma:"it's an after after party?"

Dad, then went up to Iruma, side and began to nudge him with his elbow.

Sullivan:"yep, and why don't you invite some people over, the more the merrier, right?"

Iruma:"who should I invite?"

Y/n:"anyone you want Iruma, it's your party after all."

Sullivan:"why not all your little school chums of course."

Iruma, had a wide smile on his face as if this was the first party he has ever had.


I then placed my hand on top of his head and smile at him as he looked up at me.

Y/n:"but until then Iruma, I have a kind of gift for you."

Iruma, tilted his head slightly but still a smile on his face.

Iruma:"sure, what is it dad?"

Y/n:"come outside and I'll show you."

All four of us went outside as I walked up behind Iruma and placed my hand where a demons wings would be.

Y/n:"this may feel a little strange Iruma but please, don't move."

Then I began to use my magic on his back which was begining to shine as was mine, for a few seconds it was like that until I stopped the spell and removed my hand from his back.

Y/n:"okay, now would you take off your shirt for me?"

Iruma, looked shocked as did dad and Opera, but I shook my hands side to side.

welcome to demon school iruma-kun X male reader insert (demon prince return)Where stories live. Discover now