getting a second chance

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Hello boys and girls here is the next chapter of my welcome to demon school Iruma which I hope you are all enjoying as much as I am writing it for you all in advance. Now for my question of the day and that is what do you think the second chance in the title means? I will let you guys guess but please don't read the chapter and just comment saying it and acting like it was a pure guess. Now let's get on with the story.


I walked up the steps of the apartment building angel lives in, this tim I had brought a gift for him in hopes of getting in his good graces as well as getting a second chance at our relationship. As I walked up I soon reached his floor and walked over to his door and when I reached it I knocked on the door waiting for him to answer. Then the door opened up but it was not Angel dust but some snake looking person that I didn't recognise, he walked past me without saying a word leaving the door opened but when I looked into the apartment I didn't see angle dust anywhere seeing that the place was trashed. Then I started to hear crying coming from a room, as I was walking to the room I saw fat nuggets on the ground injured on the ground.

Don't own and pretend that he is injured.

I bent down to pick up the little pig familiar and carefully walked into the room where I heard the crying come from, I opened the door slightly peeking in seeing Angle dust, curled up on his bed crying.

Y/n:"Angle, what happened!?"

I ran over to Angle dust, to make sure that he was okay. When I reached Angle dust, I placed fat nuggets on the bed and placed my hand on Angle dust, but quickly I was slapped in the face. I turned my head to Angle dust, seeing the tears in his eyes flow down as his hands shook.

Angle dust:"wh-what are you... Doing... Here?"

I then looked at the bruises on his face and body, then I noticed a white substance on the side of his mouth.

Y/n:"tell me, that man who just left, did he do this to you."

Angle dust, looked down at fat who was rubbing the side of his head on Angle dust leg.

Angle dust:"why, so you can pay for me for an hour."

Y/n:"no, because I want to help you."

Angle dust:"then leave me alone, you are nothing but bad luck for me, ever since you came back my life has been getting worse!"

Then angle hit me again over and over again as I did nothing just wanting Angle dust, to get it all out of his system, soon angle, slammed both of his fists onto my chest before he stopped attacking me. Then Angle dust, placed his head on my chest as I heard him cry, I looked around the room while nervously stroking the back of his head.

Y/n:"it's okay Angle, I'm here, just go to sleep and I'll be here when you wake up."

I then began to lower myself down onto the bed and started to look down at Angle, making sure that he got a good night sleep since he has suffered enough pain for one life, even a demons long life. Soon after half an hour when I was sure that he was asleep I carefully separated myself from him and stood up, fat nuggets, waddled over to Angel, face and gave his cheek a lick which made a light smile appear on his face. I picked up fat nuggets and started to walk off since that snake like freak shouldn't have gotten to far. I made my way out of Angle dust, apartment closing the door behind me as I did so, I looked down at the familiar pig.

Y/n:"We are going to make angle dust day, I will need your help however."

I then started to walk down the stairs to exit this building while looking around, I used magic so that I could see pathways of people who walked out of the building, there were only pathways for people who walked out in the last hour with only two paths appearing, I looked at both of them and judging by the fact that one of them looks like it's about to disappear I knew it wasn't the man who hurt Angle so I followed the other path to the man. I did a speedy walk so that I would be able to reach him before the path disappears. As I was following the path I saw that he appeared to enter a car as the path continued on the road, I then grew out my wings and flew over the road as I continued to follow this guys path.

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