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Hello boys and girls here is the next chapter of my welcome to demon school Iruma-kun which I hope all of you enjoying just as much as I am writing it. Now before we get to the chapter let's get to the event that usually gets skipped over but I still do it anyway the question of the day and that is what do you think of the Dem-dol we have seen in welcome to demon school Iruma-kun? Personally I really like them all, especially since we saw quite a few a while back in the manga but let me know what you think of them and let's get to the chapter.

Henri POV

I looked through the glass seeing y/n sitting on a chair with a drink in one hand with many of the demon border control asking him questions like this was a talk show. He hasn't been causing any trouble, infact he has been quite pleasant in his stay and even told us how he managed to get into the human world through a secret entrance he used we didnt know about.

Baal:"are you sure he is the same y/n who became the demon king for six day?"

Henri:"I assure you, this is the same y/n from back then, though I will admit, he has changed in personality quite a bit since then."

I remember looking at the videos of him and the one hundred demons, from when they conquered the Babel tower, to when they had there final battle against a large army of demons that out numbered them over a thousand to one. Y/n thought like and unstoppable beast as everyone tried to take him down but his familiar kept many more demons at bay. Then the demons border control in the room with y/n laughed at a joke he said.

Baal:"well, with all the security you have around him I'd you'd think he was planning to break out."

Not only was he refering to the people in the room with y/n but in here too all holding weapons ready incase a fight ensues, he also finished off the forms he needed to get his friend out for the day but right now they won't stand.

Henri:"and are you also sure y/n help his father to illegally cross into the human world."

Baal:"like I said before with lord Sullivan, one of my informants told me that he had a part in it, but it's up to your people to find that out."

Then suddenly y/n stopped joking around and looked at the window in the room shocked, abruptly he stood up.

Y/n:"sorry but I will be leaving to be with my father now, we won't be here for much longer."

I walked out of the room to talk with y/n, if he thinks the rules here don't apply to him then he's got another thing coming. When I entered the interrogation room I saw the people who were in that room trying to tell him to stay.

Henri:"y/n, you need to stay here ti-"

Then all of a sudden the air around us got really cold as y/n then started to look like the demons that all the legend's said he was, he didn't look different but at the same time something about him was different.

Y/n:"did I stutter!!?"

Then I froze as y/n just walked past is all like we were statues, the aura emitting off of this guy froze everyone in fear at his familiar perched itself on his shoulder without a care in the world. Y/n walked out of the room and when he closed the door behind him I could feel myself being about to move and again.

Border patrol agent:"wow, he's scary, one minute laughs then that."

That was true, it was like a while different person had switched body's with y/n, like his past self had decided to come back.


I looked at the man Infront of me who if I remember right was one of the thirteen crowns, his name was Baal according to Gartos with the description that be gave me.

welcome to demon school iruma-kun X male reader insert (demon prince return)Where stories live. Discover now