first day on the job

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Okay everybody here is the next chapter of this story and this chapter will start the at the morning of the familiar summoning. Now for my question of the day and that is what mythical creature would you want as a familiar? For me I would have to say that it is a tie between kelpie or a unicorn since I really value my Scottish heritage. Now with that all said and done let's get on with this chapter.


I was eating my breakfast along with Iruma and I have to say for a human he has a stomach that could rival mine, just seeing us eat would make people think that we are related. Me and dad got him some stuff for school along with making something as well as luxurious.

Sullivan:"did you sleep well?"

Iruma looked at dad while I was still eating a slab of meat that was on a bone.

Iruma:"oh, yes."

I smiled at him.

Y/n:"don't hold back Iruma, take as much as you want."

Sullivan:"you are a growing boy after all."


Iruma then stabbed the food Infront of him, lifting it off of the plate and started to eat it while opera walked I've to Iruma with a cup of hell grey tea. As Iruma was drinking the tea dad then smiled at him.

Sullivan:"ready for your first day of class?"

Immediately Iruma spat the drink out onto me which was not nice, I looked at Iruma who looked worried.

Y/n:"nice Iruma, very nice."

Iruma looked at dad.

Iruma:"um, can we talk? It's about school."

Sullivan:"sure but first."

Dad then looked at opera who clicked his fingers and out of nowhere a large red clothe appears covering up all of the stuff dad and me got him. Opera then took off of the covers off to reveal all the books, gifts, clothing, ect, dad then started to have his hands out in his smaller cuter form that he can turn into from time to time.

Sullivan:"lookie here, we splurged to celebrate you starting your new school."

Iruma for his part looked shocked for whatever reason.

Iruma:"this is all for me?"

Dad still in his small for did a spin while humming "mhm", then clapped his hands together unintentionally showing iruma his bandages fingers from when we did embroidery.

Iruma:"but you already gave me so much yesterday."

Dad then aimed at Iruma liked he use to when I was Iruma age.

Sullivan:"oh, that was just to celebrate, getting my first grandson, this is to celebrate you starting school."

I quickly looked at dad since I am a little concerned when he said first grandson, is he going to adopt more!?

Iruma:"helicopter parent!!"

Y/n:"what do you mean first grandson!?"

Dad didn't seem to hear what we said or rather chose not to listen, he then pulled out the bit of fabric me, dad, and opera embroidied.

Sullivan:"tada! The three of us even added some extra embroidery, well what do you think?"

Iruma looked a little unnerved.

Iruma:"it's great, thanks."

Dad then went back to his normal look and waved at Iruma with his usual smile on his face.

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