student council

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Hello boys and girls first things first how have all of yours days been? For me it has been alright a bit to early to tell but still looks promising. Now here is the next chapter of my welcome to demon school Iruma which I hope you are all exited for as much as I enjoy writing it for you guys. Now for my question of the day and that is how did you first come across this anime/manga? For me it was when I saw a YouTube video, it was a compilation of Ameri being cute. Now with that all said and done please let me know and lets get on with the story.


I walked through the front gate of Babyls, waving Iruma, and his friends good bye as I walked off to get myself something to eat. I then thought about the conversation that I had with Iruma, about me seeing a dem doll that looked increasingly similar to him. He got supper nervous but after some deeper questioning he came clean and admitted that yes he and his friends all dressed up as Dem dolls for one of there friends but it was a secret which one it was. I was a little revealed that my son was not acting like Angel dust, not that I have anything against that but given how Angel, prefers to... Preform, did make me worry a little bit. Soon I reached the cafeteria and when I reached the front counter, I knocked on it which made the chef turn around only to stop in horror when he realises who was here to meet him as I smirked.

Y/n:"I'll have one of everything if I may be so bold good sir and then we shall see what I order from there."

I then walked off to my table where there was no one sitting so I sat down and waited for someone to start bringing me my food. As I was waiting I did wonder about Iruma, Clara, and Asmodeus, Battler, since now he's missing the third year and there ranks are insufficient to keep it open. Hell when I wanted to form the one hundred demons battler I only just had enough people of sufficient rank to have it created, even then I think it only got open because dad was running the place. I'm not so sure what I will do today but I'm sure that something interesting will happen, there is always something fun going on in this place. Soon some of the staff came over to me with plates full of food, they placed them down Infront of me as I savagely ate into it along with Yamigedo. It didn't take us long to finish eating out food before more plates came and we ate into them, some of them I just tossed into my mouth and let it slide down without chewing.

Don't own and picture this is what y/n, is doing, also has anyone ever tried to swallow food without chewing it?

When I finished more of the food till soon I had one of everything I then realised that I must have been getting old as I was a little full. I stood up and walked away from the table that had a bunch of dishes with many different pieces of the food that I could not ate like bones or cutlery. I then walked towards the misfit class where I'm sure that Iruma would be or soon be there for the roll call before getting a small break. When I reached the steps down to the misfit class I hopped down the steps on one leg down to the bottom. After a few minutes I reached classroom where Yamigedo, opened the door for me and I walked in seeing that most of the class we here and Person was looking outside the window not saying a word as he dose.


I then went of to an empty seat in the room and looked at the class wondering which one of them is Iruma dem doll friend. Since it was a girl I doubt it was people like Sabro, given that the person would be around about the same hight as Iruma, it narrowed down my choices leaving only one person that it could be, I then walked to my seat and sat down waiting for Kalego, to get here. Soon the door opened up and the man himself walked into the room looking as miserable as he always does.

Kalego:"okay, roll call."

He then began to list the students names until he got to Iruma, and like usual he didnt let the boy finish saying that he was here before he said it was done. Then he walked out and the kids were allowed to do whatever till there first class and I stayed here to help them with whatever it is that they may need help with. Soon Sabro, walked up to me and looked down at me as I was sitting in my chair with Yamigedo, on top of my head.

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