Freedom Comes

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George's POV

George's eyes fluttered open at the sound of a nurse entering the room. His vision was still adjusting from just waking up so he couldn't tell what exactly the nurse was doing. She was over by the computer that was used to record things down in his medical chart, so he assumed she was just updating that. George started to adjust himself in the bed before remembering there was currently a sleeping Clay attached to his body. Clay was still sound asleep on his chest, completely out cold. George tilted his head to the left slightly. He wanted to look at the sleeping boy's face for a moment. He couldn't be caught staring if Clay's asleep. It was a perfect opportunity. Clay's mouth was slightly parted open, and his cheek was squished against George's chest. 

He looks so peaceful. I don't know what it is about this man that just blows me away and makes me feel so safe. Is it because he's the first friend I've made on my own? I don't have any other real friends. There's the boys on Sapnap's soccer team that I've created some what of a bond with but nothing I'd consider a real friendship. I only speak to them at games and soccer team parties of which I have no choice but to go to really. This friendship though, it's different. When I first ever talked to Clay, he didn't know I had any relation to Sapnap and I didn't know he had one either. We just clicked instantly. We have only even known each other for what? A week now? Not even? Yet we have already grown so close. I'd consider him one of my best friends already. Sapnap is like a brother to me, but me and Clay aren't like that either. It's something completely different. I don't know what that 'different' is but I love it. I really love it. Two completely different yet equally as strong relationships. One like a brother, one like...whatever it is. He saved my life in more than one way. Not just him calling the ambulance for me, not just waking me from that nightmare at Sapnap's house, not even by letting me stay away from my aunt's house he- oh my god. I forgot about my aunt. Does she know I'm here? Is she gonna come? Oh my god Oh my-

"Sir, are you alright?" A women's voice called out to him, interrupting his thoughts. 

" you know if my aunt has been called about me being here?" George spoke quietly as he didn't want to wake Clay who was already starting to shift in his sleep now that there was noise in the room.

"I can check your chart for you if you'd like?"

"Yes please.."

The kind nurse walked over to the computer she had just been at. She started typing quickly, something George always wished he was able to do. It would make essays so much easier to write. 

" your aunt named Natalia Armstrong?"

"No that's my friend's mom. Is she written down on my chart?"

"Yes it says here that yesterday she was changed to your emergency contact. In your notes it says who I'm assuming is your aunt was removed from your chart around the same time. Annie Davidson?"

The name sent a cold shiver down George's spine. "Yeah that would be her."

"Do you want me to call her for yo-"

"NO...I thank you ma'am." George looked back down at Clay who was waking up more every second. George yelling most definitely didn't help with that.

"If you need anything else, let me know. I'll be back in about ten minutes to take your blood pressure." 

I should probably wake Clay up then...he looks so ador- peaceful though. I meant peaceful. Not adorable. It's not like that. 

George began to wake Clay up with gentle nudges but it wasn't really working, Clay just latched on tighter to George. 

Maybe if I whisper something in his ear it'll startle him awake.

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