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It had now been almost  two full days since Clay and Sapnap reunited. Slowly but surely they had started talking more and more. The three boys spent most of the last two days playing video games, but Minecraft was by far their favorite to play together. They now had a survival world together and a decent base set up for them. George and Sapnap had argued about wether to make it out of dark wood planks or nether brick. George's defense being that he couldn't even see the color of the bricks correctly, and Sapnap's defense being that he would be too tempted to burn down a house made of such a flammable material like planks. They eventually just made it out of the dark wood planks. Clay making the final decision based on the fact there was a dark wood forest nearby and it would be way easier to gather materials for the house if it was made from planks. 

Clay and George hadn't even mentioned what happened the first night to each other. When George woke up that morning next to clay, he felt safe. He didn't wanna ruin that by having to actually discuss it with Clay so he just decided to get up out of bed before Clay woke up. Clay got the message and didn't push for an explanation from George. The next night George passed out on the bed while Clay and Sap were having a series of 1v1s on their Minecraft world. Clay slept on the floor at first, but eventually moved to the bed. He was scared his friend might have another nightmare and that he wouldn't wake up since he was now the one on the floor. It was now the following morning and Clay was the first to wake up this time.

Clay's POV

Clay woke up in the bed next to his still sound asleep 'roommate'. Clay was tempted to get out of bed before George would wake up, but when Clay made the slightest movement to get up he had awoken his once slumbering friend.

Oh shit he's awake, this might be even awkwarder than when Sapnap first saw me at the school.

"H-Hey George, good morning."

"Good morning Clay" George responded through an exaggerated yawn, making his words hard to understand.

"How did you sleep last night?"

"No nightmares if that's what you are trying to ask. I slept good though. You?" That was the first time either of them had even slightly brought up what had happened. Clay felt a tad shocked, but tried his best to hide it.

"That's good I'm glad to hear it. I slept good, Sapnap and I got off Minecraft not too long after you passed out. I-I'm sorry if it made you uncomfortable that I slept in the bed with you again. I didn't want you to have another nightmare and I was nervous I wouldn't wake up sleeping on the floor if you did. We haven't talked about it you know..." Clay's mind told him not to bring it up further but as he was about to end his sentence the words kept coming. 

"No, I don't mind. I mean you helped me the first night and it's my fault for falling asleep on the bed in the first place. Don't worry you can have the bed all to yourself tonight and I'll sleep on the floor. " George avoided any direct confrontation about the nightmare he had nights prior. This kinda bugged Clay but they had just met.

It's not my place to ask about them until he is ready, and it seems very obvious to me that he is not ready for that conversation yet. If it happens again I'll pry a little but if he still shuts me out from it then I'll wait for him to start any conversation about it. I don't want him to feel unsafe around me or uncomfortable.


It was about 3 in the afternoon now and the Hurricane has completely passed through. It was a lot smaller than previously predicted and other than some lost power and fallen trees there wasn't too much damage. Their High School announced the building was undamaged and still charged with power throughout every classroom. They would be able to return to school tomorrow.

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