Chapter Six>>

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"We believe in ordinary acts of bravery, in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another."
― Veronica Roth, Divergent


Chapter Six >> Jenna's POV

She remembers nothing. She couldn't.

Lydia sat across from me munching on an apple, checking her instagram.

I asked her what she did last night. Her reply: Nothing, sat at home, watched some lacrosse videos.

She doesn't remember a single thing. I tried dropping hints and everything but nothing seemed to jog her memory. I, however, remember almost every detail of last night and it's freaking me the hell out.

Being bitten and turning into a werewolf was one thing, but I actually morphed into a different animal! One that runs on four legs! How the hell does that happen.

Not to mention that I have a force that pulls me to my best friend who tells me to go save the others but doesn't remember a single thing about it.

Why did my life get so complicated?

Speaking of complicated, I look up from Lydia to stare right at it. Stiles was entering the lunch room scanning all the tables.

I've been successfully avoiding him all day even though he has on multiple occasions tried to corner me like some damn animal.

He wants answers, answers to questions that I'm having enough trouble figuring out on my own.

I have to get out of here. "I'll see you later Lyd."

Before Stiles's eyes could land on me I hurry out of the cafe and towards my next class...which has the gang in it...including Stiles...and it's gym...greeeaaaat.

I groan walking into the locker room.


It started out fine. At first I didn't think that he would notice me but he did. That's when coach asked for volunteers. Guess who was the first to raise their hand.

Me. That's right.

Stiles tried to volunteer next but Finstock already had Scott putting on the harness.

We both approached the wall and began to climb.

"You know you are going to have to talk to him right?" Scott muttered grabbing onto a yellow plastic rock.

I let out a sigh. "I know."

"Then why don't you just do it now?"

I glanced down at Scott giving him a glare. "Because he wants answer that I don't have."

"That's not only what I'm talking about." I was confused.

"Then what are you talking about?"

Scott chuckled. "The really noticeable sexual tension the two of you have every time you are together."

I scoffed. "There is no tension."

Scott smirked at me. "Oh yes, there is."

I rolled my eyes. "You don't know what you are talking about McCall."

"I know the basics. Enough to know you two are in love."

My heart stopped. I wasn't in love with Stiles right? I just really really liked him. "I don't love him McCall."

"Then say that to your heartbeat." I glared at him. "Say that to the ground." I kicked his foot down. Since he didn't suspect it he went flying down to the ground as I clanged the bell and slowly made my way down to the laughing students.

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