Chapter Twenty-Eight>>

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"One, remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Two, never give up work. Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it. Three, if you are lucky enough to find love, remember it is there and don't throw it away."
―Stephen Hawking 

Chapter Twenty-Eight>>

Coming home that night was welcoming. After rushing over to Lydia's only to find her completely fine and strangely 'oblivious' as to what I was talking about (her being in distress) I managed to get back into my car and not fall asleep while driving. 

All I wanted to do was go to bed. But apparently life didn't want to work out that way. I stepped through the front door only to be greeted by Charlie and my father. Their arms crossed the exact way and a scowl etched into their lips. 

"Oh, boy." I muttered. 

"Oh, boy is right young lady. Where were you? You're grounded remember?" Dad asked in a gruff tone. 

I shrugged not meeting his eyes. "There was some stuff that happened at school that needed to be taken care of."

"Really? What kind of stuff?" Dad continued his arms uncrossing but his hands laying against his hips.

Again I refused to met his eyes. "My...uh, friend had a seizure, we took her to the hospital."

Dad's posture straightened up, surprise overcoming his features. "Oh, well I guess that's okay."

Charlie broke his stance next to Dad chuckling. "Okay, Dad, I think you can give it up now."

Now it was my turn to be confused. "Give up what?"

A grin slipped onto Dad's features. "You're not grounded anymore Jenna."

A huge sigh left my lips. "Thank goodness."

His hand reached into his pocket before pulling out my beloved. He slid the phone into my hand. "And there's your lifeline back."

I held it to my chest, grabbing out his flip phone and returning it. "Momma missed you."

"That is oddly creepy." My eyes snapped up to meet Dad's amused grin and Charlie's weirded out glance. "But now that that's over we can talk."

At the mention of staying up any later than I had to made a small headache throb behind my eyelids. "Can it wait until tomorrow, it really has been a long night and I'd just like to get some sleep."

They must have been able to see the exhaustion on my face because they nodded their heads shooing me up the stairs. Before I was all the way up I turned back leaning around the banister to see them. "Quick question--"

I didn't even have to finish before my Dad answered me. "Yes, that means you can sleep over at Stilinski's but I'm serious Jenna, no sex! Of any kind!"

Suddenly, energy pulsed through my body. "Yes sir!" I saluted before running up the steps. I quickly showered, threw on pajamas and grabbed my blanket, happy to be able to sleep next to Stiles again.

The lights were off in his room as I  pulled up the window crawling inside. The sound of his light snores drifted to my ears causing a grin to fall on my lips. The moonlight trickled in the bedroom, shining on his bed, casting a glow across his features. 

I say this all the time but how did I get so lucky. Not only is he incredibly cute, he's loyal, determined, and passionate about everything that he loves. He was perfect in his own little ways, even if no one else thought of him that way, I did.

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