Chapter Twenty>>

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"I read once that the ancient Egyptians had fifty words for sand & the Eskimos had a hundred words for snow. I wish I had a thousand words for love, but all that comes to mind is the way you move against me while you sleep & there are no words for that. "
― Brian Andreas, Story People: Selected Stories & Drawings of Brian Andreas

(If someone ever said that ^^ to me I'd probably melt into a huge puddle with the cheesiest grin on my face.)

Chapter Twenty>>

Why is school utter hell? 

I've been sitting here listening to Harris give yet another boring lecture on ionic compounds that didn't interest me what so ever. Why do I bother attending this class again?

So you graduate idiot.

Thank you brain for your kind words of wisdom. I rolled my eyes internally, a sigh leaving my lips. Taking my eyes off the window, they slide to the empty seat next to me that was normally occupied by Stiles. Concern flooded through my veins as thoughts circled around in my head. What if Jackson had gotten out and was slicing his claws into Stiles right now? 

My gaze swung forward to the empty seat in front of me, where my Danny normally sits. Another wave of concern hit me. I know Mrs. McCall said he was going to be alright but what if he wasn't? What if he was paralyzed for life just because I couldn't get to him in time?

My fingers started to tap on my leg as anxiety swarmed through my bones. Is this how Stiles feels? Always worried about the what ifs' in life?

All of the thoughts in my head began to jumble with my nerves, the beat of my heart increasing with every new thought. The annoying voice of Harris droned out, my chest tightened. Small gasp puffed out of my mouth to the beat of some kids pen clicking from across the room. The sound of a phone buzzed in my ear, another pen clicked, a pencil tapped, a cough erupted from someone's mouth, the scuff of a chair--

"Can I use the rest room?" I shouted standing up from my seat, my book bag already in hand, heading towards the door.

"Ms. Felmore, you are going to have to wait until after discussion." He sneered smugly.

A growl rumbled from my lips as my feet walked past him out the door, ignoring his statement. "Where are you going?"

"I told you, the bathroom!" I snapped stomping past the door and into the hallway.

"Detention Felmore!" 

I threw a thumbs up behind me. "Whatever makes your heart content Harris!" With no reply to that I continued out the  front door to the school, not noticing all the new cameras, to my truck.

"Where to first Jenna? Danny or Stiles?" I mumbled pulling out of the parking lot. Deciding on Danny first since the hospital is closer and I wouldn't have to backtrack.


The ride to the hospital was short. Once I pulled in and locked the truck, I marched my way inside searching for a familiar head of black curly hair. Melissa stood with her back to me glancing down at someone's chart, flipping through the pages.

"Mrs. McCall!" I called out, her head whipped up, a smile turning the corners of her lips. She let go of the pages, allowing them to fall flat onto the clipboard.

"Hey Jenna, call me Melissa." She replied sweetly. I smiled back at her.

"Ok...Melissa." The name was foreign on my tongue but I knew once I said it enough I would get used to it. 

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