𝒮𝓅𝑒𝒸𝒾𝒶𝓁 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇

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The morning sun rays seeping through the window curtains shined on Jungkook's face disturbing his peaceful slumber. Scrunching his nose and groaning a little he woke up but he still remained hugging you while resting his head on your chest not wanting to let go. It's already been five years since he married you and still the blissful feeling he gets waking up like this never went away just like the undying love he have for you. 

The smile on his lips widened when he felt your hand on his head. He always love it when you run your fingers through his hair. 

"Good morning dear hubby." You greeted in a playful voice making Jungkook look up at you with a quirked brow. He knows that you call him hubby when you want something.

"Now, what does my beautiful wife want early morning?" He asked with an amused smile.

"What? Can't I be good to my own husband without wanting something." You smirk.

"You are good to me 24/7 but this.. I know it too well." he bites his bottom lip staring at you.

"Well.. then what are you waiting for." You say wrapping your hand around his neck. Jungkook happily leaned his bare body forward to take your lips in his. He kissed you while smiling against them. "Happy Anniversary Mrs. Jeon."

"Happy Anniversary to you too Mr. Jeon." You say giggling but it soon disappeared as he latched his lips to your jaw and started leaving kisses along it while his hand trailed up your arm. Reaching the shoulder he grazed his finger along your blade and moved away the thin strap of your top. You let out a tiny moan when he kissed your neck and playfully bit your shoulder making you yelp.

"That hurt." You slapped his bare back making him chuckle. "But I know that you like it babe." he teases but both of you froze immediately when you heard tiny giggles.

"Shit!" You both cursed together under your breaths as Jungkook quickly got off of you. Quickly fixing yourselves up, you both sat straight and looked down to see your beautiful one year old baby girl staring up at you both with fingers in her mouth.    

 "Hey sweety.. when did you get in here. I see that daddy didn't lock the crib properly again." You cooed at your little girl and picked her up while shooting a playful glare at Jungkook. He shrugs guiltily and scratches the back of his head.

"I did ok. Our girl is just too smart and active to stay locked up. Besides I'm sure her brother helped her out." Jungkook defends himself. 

You just roll your eyes and make your baby girl sit in between you. But she quickly jumps at Jungkook, squealing and saying something in her baby language.

"Good morning to you too Princess." Jungkook kisses her and she squeezed Jungkook's nose with saliva soaked tiny hand and tried to eat his cheek which is her way of showing love. Jungkook broke out into a heart warming chuckle while you giggled to their cuteness.

"Such a daddy's girl. Hey.. mommy is here too. where is my kiss? " You say snuggling into both of their embraces. Your little Thea looked at you for a brief second then went back to ignoring you as she got busy staring at Jungkook with her lovey dovey dark doe eyes, just like her dad's.     

"This is so unfair. When did you become her favorite." You complain with a pout and Thea goo gooed in her baby voice.

"That's right Princess. Tell mommy that it's not unfair because she has all the love of your brother." Jungkook narrows his eyes at you making you laugh because lately the two boys in the house are always head to head. Jungkook was also like a kid annoying your little Taemin ever since he started growing possessive over you.

𝕭𝖚𝖘𝖆𝖓 𝕭𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖘 ♡ (Re-𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌)Where stories live. Discover now