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You let out a low painful groan as you realized that you could barely move. Your head felt heavy and your body was throbbing with pain. 

Slowly you flutter opened your eyes but everything was blurry, you blinked few times adjusting your eyes to the hospital room you were in. 

You could hear a machine beeping next to you and distant voices. As you closed your eyes everything that happened flashed back as if you were re-living that moment. Hatred and emotional pain overtook you as you remembered the betrayal, lies, loss of hope and finally your baby. You shot open your eyes and forced lift your swollen hand to feel your stomach. 

My baby! My precious! 

You rubbed your stomach trying to feel your baby, but the hardness which you had earlier was not there anymore. 

" Y/n! oh my god. finally you are awake." Aera rushed next to you and held your hand. You placed your other hand on top of hers and managed to look up at her.

"U-unnie..." you could barely get the words out as your throat felt dry.

"Unnie i-is my baby alright?" 

As soon as you asked her that, you saw her expression change. Her eyes started watering and she looked sadly at you. It didn't even take a second to realize.

No! It can't be!

"Tell me! is my baby okay?" you asked as tears started welling up. Her remaining silent, shaking her head just confirmed your fear.

"No more?" you asked as tears started rolling out one by one. You felt as if someone was clutching your heart too hard making it impossible for you to breathe. Tear drops turned and started falling like a stream.

"No more! My baby is no more!" 

"I'm such a useless person."

"I couldn't protect my baby." 

You went on trying to overcome the pain and shock but it just kept getting worse.

"Y/n, don't say that." Aera held your hand tight as she started stroking your head.

"My baby is gone!" 

"It's not your fault honey. Please!" she tried to comfort you.

"I'm so useless. I have nothing left anymore." your cries started getting louder and louder.

"My baby! My poor baby!" 

Why me? God! why me! 

My only hope, my last bit of happiness got snatched away from me!

Gone too soon! 

 My precious! Mommy is so sorry!

The thought of never getting to see your baby, never getting to hold it just crushed you so much that you wanted to die.


"My life is such a misery." your cries soon turned into piercing screams that everyone from the outside also could hear. 

The guys remained still as their hearts broke to your pain. Jungkook couldn't hold his tears as he sat outside unable to bare your pain. He wanted to go in and comfort you but he knew it was the best for you to cry it out. 

Jimin froze for a while when you mentioned the baby. He was shocked and confused. He didn't know what was happening but the way you were crying was killing him. So he dragged himself to you slowly. 

" Y/n?" as soon as Jimin called out to you, he saw you panic and quickly grab on to Aera. She quickly hugged you and you tried to hide from Jimin.

"Unnie! don't let him in." you said it as if you were fearing Jimin.

𝕭𝖚𝖘𝖆𝖓 𝕭𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖘 ♡ (Re-𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌)Where stories live. Discover now