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Jungkook couldn't sleep at all as he tossed and turned. All he could think of was the things that happened today. He couldn't erase the terrifying memory of you lying in blood.
So much anger and pain was trapped in him that he felt like he was going to explode.

He know for a fact that he needs to find the people who did this to you and make them pay for it. Earlier Jungkook did file a complaint and V said he will take care of it.

Unable to wait for the morning to come, he put some clothes into a backpack and took off to the hospital deciding to stay next to you. As he entered the room, he walked up to you and sat next to you. Even in your sleep, he could see the pain on your face. You are hurting so much and he is unable to do anything to take that pain away. What he fears the most now was you finding out that Jimin cheated on you. 

He leaned in and stroked your hair gently. Jungkook was startled when the door opened and to see it was the nurse. She had come in to check on you.

"I see that she has company. Will you be staying the night with her?" The nurse asked and Jungkook gave a nod. 

"Ok. then can you please come and sign the chart at the desk. " she asked.

"Sure." he followed the nurse out.

When Jungkook got back he saw you awake, staring at the wall as tears were falling from your eyes. Seeing you cry in silent made his heart weak. 

"Hey." he called out softly. 

You turned to look who walked in and when you saw him,

"Jungkook!"  you cried out to him and raised your arms longing for comfort. He quickly sat on the bed and hugged you tightly.

"Y/n." he whispered your name as he buried his face to the crook of your neck.

"I lost everything." you started to cry. 

"Don't cry. Please don't cry y/n." he rocked you trying to calm you down.

"I can't..it hurts! JK ..it hurts."

"I know. I know. I'm sorry! I'm sorry." Jungkook let you cry and then stroked your head till you fell asleep.


In the morning when Jungkook stepped out of your room, he saw Jimin coming.

"What are you doing here?" he asked anger building up.

"I'm here to see her. So move it." Jimin replied annoyed.

 All Jungkook could see in Jimins face was fear, guilt and anger. And after everything, he was still shameless and selfish to come see you and that attitude itself pissed Jungkook off. 

Jungkooks nails dug in to his palm as he tried not to punch Jimin in the face.

"You don't deserve to see her. I won't let you. not anymore." Jungkook said it loud and clear.

"What did you just say? I'm her boyfriend dammit. why the fuck do you keep forgetting it?" Jimin yelled grabbing Jungkooks collar as anger roared from him.

"I told you before also. Stay out of our business. And stop trying to be the hero in front of Y/n all the time." Jimin snarled.

"Oh yeah! then you should have played the hero instead of fucking Yuri all night long. When you were at it did you even think of Y/n? did you even care to think of how much pain she is going through because of you? Jimin, she is here because of you. her life got ruined because of you. and she lost everything because of you. because she trusted you and loved you. And yet after everything, you have the audacity to show up and claim her." Jungkook spat every word like venom as he glared at Jimin. 

He felt Jimins grip on him loosen as he went rigid. Jungkook brushed off Jimins hands away from him. 

"W-what are you talking about?" Jimin tried to act innocent.

"Don't act clueless, it's all over the internet as well. You were having a nice time with Yuri yesterday at your own home. didn't you?" Jungkook asked in a mocking tone.

"But nothing happened between us yesterday. So back off JK."  Jimin tried to push him to the side but Jungkook didn't budge.

"I'm not backing off Jimin. Not this time. I gave you many chances and I warned you many times. But now it's too late. I'm going to be here for her, take care of her, protect her and do everything that she deserves that you failed to do." 

Jimin was dazed by Jungkooks words for a moment.

"She is mine!" Jimin reminded Jungkook.

"Doesn't matter. I'm fighting for her, even if it means going against you." he replied making Jimin feel uneasy. Ever since the hell broke loose after that concert Jimin have had doubted Jungkooks feelings towards you. For some reason he felt threatened by his closeness and made sure Jungkook knew his limits.

But now seeing him acting like this, he wondered why Jungkook is like this and challenging him. Jimin feared to confront Jungkook but deep down he had to know. 

"Why are you doing this?" he asked finally. As if Jungkook was expecting this question he straightened up and looked at Jimins eyes directly.

"Because I love her Jimin. I've been in love with her all along and the only reason I stopped myself was because of you. But now we both know that she deserves better." Jungkook replied confidently making Jimin take a step back. 

Deep down he knew what Jungkook said was true. He knew that you don't deserve to be in the shadow or get treated like this. 

" And let me tell you this as well. Y/n is not doing well. I know you have every right to talk to her and clear things up but I just can't allow you to do it now. If you really love y/n then please give her some time." with that said Jungkook walked away making Jimin feel miserable. Jimin wanted to stay back and keep watching you from afar, but he got called by the company. Jimin was under fire again. 


After two days you were finally being released from the hospital. You didn't know what to do with your life anymore. For the past few days all you did was sleep to avoid the pain and hoped to never wake up. The members and Aera came to see you whenever they could. They tried their best to soothe your pain but it was not easy. 

But still you were grateful towards them, specially towards Jungkook. He has been next to you day and night. You felt like that he was the only person that you could count on. You knew that Jimin came to see you regularly but he never dared to come in. You hated him so much that you didn't want to see him till now. 

Aera helped you change into comfortable warm clothes as Jungkook went to fill the discharge documents. Suddenly someone barged in to the room and it was non other than Jimin. As you made eye contact with him you felt like you were being stabbed by lots of sharp needles. You automatically hid behind Aera and looked down avoiding him.

"Noona, I really want to speak to y/n. Please can you excuse us for a bit." Jimin sounded desperate. 

"Jimina. I don't think it's a good idea." she said to him.

"Please noona!" Jimin took a step forward getting closer to you.

"Baby please. Talk to me. Please. what did I do so wrong?" he asked pleadingly.

No matter how much you hated seeing him, you didn't want him to be left hanging. It hurts you more when he is acting all clueless after everything he put you through. The fact that all these days when you were suffering, without him knowing why just made you more angry. And most of all you wanted know why! why, he did this to you. 

So you came out from hiding behind Aera and looked at her.

"It's okay Unnie. I need to talk to him as well." you told her. She gave you a nod and stepped outside closing the door leaving you two alone. 

𝕭𝖚𝖘𝖆𝖓 𝕭𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖘 ♡ (Re-𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌)Where stories live. Discover now