♡ 𝟘𝟟 ♡

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Sunday night was finally here and the giddiness you are feeling deep inside as you stepped into the VIP movie theatre is just unexplainable. It's finally the movie night that Jimin offered to take you on. As he instructed you went up the aisle and found your seat right next to the exit on top corner. It's the first time you are in a VIP theatre with paired seats and huge distance with one another. You understood why high profiled people or couples like to come to places like this. Privacy is the center of this place. Even though it's not a date or anything romantic, Jimin is a top idol, he cannot be out in open, specially with a girl, so you understood the terms and made yourself comfortable as you drew the phone out to call Jimin. 

The past couple of weeks, you and Jimin got closer than the others. You would text constantly and he would just randomly just call to chat. You really like it. He makes you feel special. His phone right now keeps on ringing but he's not answering. You looked at the time and it was almost 10pm, the movie is about to start but Jimin is not here yet.

 You looked around and the area was almost empty, just three or four pairs were occupying seats here and there. All of them looked like couples who are lost in their own world. So it's safe for Jimin to come in here. But why isn't he here? Looking down at the phone, you opened the chat to drop him a text.

 You - Hey I'm here. Are you on your way?

Few minutes past the message got delivered but he didn't read it yet. The dimmed lights turned off and the screen lit up as the movie intro began to play. You dialed him again but he didn't answer. Your brows slightly furrowed as worry started slowly taking over you. Is he ok? Did something happen? Oh no... did he get spotted by fans?

Uneasiness were slowly easing it's way in as  many thoughts flooded your mind. You barely noticed what's going on around you as your only thought was to leave the theatre and go find Jimin. As you hurriedly picked up you bag and got ready to move, A guy came out of nowhere and sat down on the empty seat next to you with a large popcorn and two sodas. You were startled at first but once you took a good look at the guy you kind of guessed who it was.

"Jimin?" you ask in a soft low voice just to be sure and Jimin pulled down his mask to flash a big grin before explaining himself. "Sorry. I had to wait till everyone settles in with lights turned off so I could come without being noticed." 

"It's ok. I understand. I was just worried thinking if maybe you got into some kind of trouble because you didn't answer your phone." you give a soft smile finally relaxing after seeing him in one piece. And even if someone looked in his way, you doubt that anyone would recognize him by the way he is so covered up.

"You called? Sorry, I didn't know. My phone was on silent." Jimin takes his phone out to check.

"It's ok. You are here now." you tell him and he gives you a sweet look.

"Yeah. I am. Here I got these for us. It's been a while since I came to a theatre to watch a movie.. So what did I miss?" he ask settling himself well into the big comfy chair next to you.

"To be honest I couldn't concentrate on the screen. I was too worried about you. but I don't think we missed much." you say honestly taking the soda from his hand to take a sip.

𝕭𝖚𝖘𝖆𝖓 𝕭𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖘 ♡ (Re-𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌)Where stories live. Discover now