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After staring into the empty note book for the longest time, Jungkook threw it away to the corner of his work desk feeling annoyed. He pressed his face into his palms and let out a frustrated sigh as he couldn't stop thinking about you.

He desperately wanted to go to you and see you but he was bound by the words Jimin said that night and also by the threats the company made. Jungkook feared that the company would do anything worse than what they have already done to you. He was furious with everything that went on. 

So he impatiently waited for every sun rise and every sun down, waiting for days to pass and the situation to calm down. All he wanted was to go to you and see if you were fine. He was going crazy without knowing anything that was going on with you.

His heart hurts for everything that happened to you and he couldn't help but get angry at Jimin for how poorly he is handling the situation. He have never been this disappointing by Jimin till now. When Jungkook got up to go home, his phone rang displaying Miyas name. 

"Hello?" Jungkook answered wondering why would she call him.

"Oh my god, Jungkook! thank god you answered." she blurted out panicking.

"Miya is everything all right?" he asked worried because she sounded as if she was crying. 

"Jungkook, it's Y/n.." he stiffened for a second as he heard your name. 

"What about her?" he asked immediately.

"I think she is in trouble. She was heading home and I was talking to her. All of a sudden I heard her scream. And then I heard some voices of girls. It sounded like they were attacking her. can yo-" 

"I'm going to her now." Jungkook cut her off and hurried down to his car as anger and worry took over him. 

The dread crept over him like an icy chill, as he stepped on, speeding his way to you. He gripped the steering wheel tight making his knuckles white as his stomach knotted in pain. He held back curses as he locked his teeth tight together. 

Finally when he got to your floor and opened the door, his heart shattered. He felt his eyes widen and pulse quicken, his heart thudding like a rock rattling in box as he let out a horrified scream. He couldn't believe the horrific sight of the love of his life on the ground bleeding from god knows where. 

Jungkook quickly rushed to you and cradled you in his arms panicking.

"Y/n!!!" he cried as he shook you holding your face trying to wake you up.

"Y/n. Please stay with me. Please!" Jungkook feared for your life as he saw that you were barely breathing. His body trembled as he picked you up in his arms and rushed out to take you to a hospital. 


Jin couldn't help but huff and puff in worry as he sat next to Jungkook waiting for the doctor to come out. He tried to calm Jungkook as he was getting impatient. Aera couldn't believe the things happened to you as she sat still with tears in her eyes. 

Jungkook tried to get hold of Jimin but he couldn't so he passed the message to Jin and he did to the others. So Yoongi showed up next and straight away went to Jungkook and asked if he is okay. He gave him a knowing look which confused Jungkook for a bit, but he didn't have any time to think of it as the doctor and the nurses walked out.

Jungkook stood and went up to them immediately. His heart was pounding so hard that he thought he was going to die as he saw the doctor gave an apologetic look.

"How is she?" he asked trying to hold himself together. The doctor let out a sigh as he apologized,

" She is fine but unfortunately we couldn't save the baby. we are truly sorry." 

"Oh my god! she was pregnant?" Aera asked in shock leaning against Jin for support. Yoongi placed a hand on Jungkooks shoulder to give some sort of comfort.

"I'm afraid so. She was too weak to take the pressure.  Her body is covered with bruises and she is still unconscious. So we will need to keep her here under observation for few days." 

"I hope you catch those people who did this to her." he said and left after bowing down to them.

Jungkook just stared into his hands with his open mouth. His brain formulated no thoughts other than to register that the dried blood on his hands and shirt were your baby's. He didn't know how to take in this news. He wanted to yell and trash things as the pain and anger took over him. He couldn't bare to imagine all the suffering you have gone through. 

"Jungkook-ah! come lets go. Y/n is been transferred to her room." as soon as the words left Jins mouth, Jungkook straight away went to see you without wasting a second.

He felt like crying as pain tightened his heart when he saw your half swollen red face, busted lip and cuts on your face.
He took slow unstable steps towards you and sat on the chair next to you as he couldn't hold himself anymore.
He didn't care if others were there watching him. He just took your lightly bruised hand in his and pressed his lips on it as he fought to hold back his tears.

Seeing you like this scared him a lot. He felt things he never felt before. He felt like if something is to happen to you, that he would loose himself too.


As the guys were asked to wait outside Jin tried to call Jimin again but failed.

"Ahhhhh!! he is not answering. Hope Tae were able to find him." he said frustrated.

 Yoongi let out a sigh and asked Jungkook to go clean his self up. So Jungkook gave a nod and stood to go but he stopped himself when he saw Jimin and V rushing towards them. 

"What happened?"

"Where is she?"

Both of them asked worried. When Jimin saw the blood on Jungkook, he got shocked as pain clouded his face. Jimin hurriedly tried to go in but Jungkook stopped him blocking the door with his body. Jimin looked up at him confused. Jungkook clenched and unclenched his fists contemplating whether to let him in or not. He felt like Jimin was responsible for what happened to you. And he didn't want Jimin anywhere close near you. Before things start to get awkward the members stepped in.

"Jimina, the nurse asked us to stay outside. So come wait here." Jin quickly said to Jimin. 

Jungkook relaxed a bit as he backed away from the door. Jimin looked like he was in agony as Jin tried to explain it to him but he was spacing out looking guilty. 

"Come with me. let's get you cleaned up." Yoongi pulled Jungkook away from all and took him to the washroom.

He removed his over sized shirt which he wore as a outer wear and gave it to Jungkook.

"Here, wash up and change into this." he offered. Jungkook silently took it from him and did as told. He could feel the tension building little by little. He knew Yoongi was trying to say something, so he looked at Yoongi as he waited. Yoongi finally let out a sigh and decided to say it,

"Look Jungkook, what you tried to do was not right." he said confusing Jungkook.

"What do you mean?" he asked

"I know that you are in love with Y/n for the longest time now. But that doesn't give you the right to stop Jimin from seeing her. She is his girlfriend." Yoongi knowing this surprised Jungkook a little bit but he didn't show it. In fact he was not afraid to show it anymore.

"But he is not right for her."

"Well that's for y/n to decide. Not for you." Yoongi patted Jungkooks shoulder hoping he would understand. And he knew what Yoongi said was true. No matter what he did..at the end it's going to be your choice. But till then he is going to try and this time he decided not to hide anything anymore.

"Hyung, I'm not going to give up on her anymore!"

𝕭𝖚𝖘𝖆𝖓 𝕭𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖘 ♡ (Re-𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌)Where stories live. Discover now