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"Want to go to the beach?" you asked climbing up on Jungkook and settling yourself on his lap. He pecked your nose smiling and cocooned you into his arms like a baby. 

"There is a beach nearby?" he asked getting amazed. 

"Surprisingly yes. But we can't walk there. We will have to get an Uber." you said fixing few of his hair strands in the front. 

"Sounds great. Let's make it a picnic." he nuzzled his nose against yours making you  smile widely.

"Deal! I'll go prepare some snacks then." you gave a quick peck to his lips and tried to move but he didn't let you go. Instead he brushed his soft lips against yours. Smiling against his lips, you happily took in his lips and kissed him back gently. 

For some reason he was being gentle with you. He would touch you, kiss you and hold you so carefully as if you are very delicate. There was no lust, it was just purely love that you see in him every second. And you could taste his love and passion with every movement of his smooth silky lips against yours. It felt beautiful. You loved every moment of it. 


"Wow this place is so pretty and peaceful." Jungkook looked at the beach in awe. Luckily it was not crowded at all. Just few couples and families here and there enjoying free Sunday evening. 

"Glad you like it. Should we sit here?" you asked pointing at a spot away from the others. 

"I like it." he smiled and helped you spread the picnic blanket so you two could take a seat. 

You kept the disposable food box and the drinks in a side as you settled down on the blanket. Jungkook settled behind you spreading his legs on either side of you and pulling you back against his chest. He wraps his arms securely around you, holding you close as you comfortably leaned your back against him. 

You both relaxed and listened to the waves crashing the shore. 

"It feels like a dream that you are here with me, in my hometown." you said staring at the beautiful sea. 

"In a way I'm glad that I got to see where my baby grew up." Jungkook kissed your cheek and rested his chin on your shoulder. 

"Well.. I want to see where you grew up too. I've heard Busan is really pretty." you told him really wanting to see it someday. 

"Yes it is. I'll take you there once you come back. I promise." you felt his arms tighten around your body and smiled. 

"In fact there are a lot of places I want to go with you." he added.

"Like where?" you asked wondering. 

"Hmm.. you'll see in the future. I'm not gonna tell you. It's a surprise." he reached out for the soda he got for himself earlier. You grabbed the sandwiches and turned to him. 

"Now you are making me curious. Tell me." you demanded.

"Sorry babe! No can do." he grinned and winked making you blush. 

"Fine. want to build a sandcastle like them?" you asked showing him at what the two kids are building away from you both. 

"No thanks, I don't built them with cheaters." he chuckled.

"Excuse me! you are the one who cheated and destroyed my one." you complained remembering the last time you were with him playing around with sand few years ago.

"You remember it. It was fun though." he laughed.

"Ya it was. so tell me what you want to build?" you asked looking around for a good spot to build one. 

𝕭𝖚𝖘𝖆𝖓 𝕭𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖘 ♡ (Re-𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌)Where stories live. Discover now