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You woke up with a light headache late in the morning. You straightened up to sit on the bed, letting out a groan as you massaged your temples.

"Thank god I'm having a day off today." You said to yourself.  Dragging yourself out of the bed you went to have a warm bath. It was around 3 am when you got home so you straight away went to bed. So as you cleaned up, you felt better.  

You took your phone to call Jimin. Your eyes widened when you saw 15 missed calls and 10+ messages from Jimin. He has been trying to call you from morning. You quickly dialed him back. It was ringing but he didn't answer. You tried again and this time he picked up. 

"Where have you been?" Jimin asked worried. 

"I didn't hear from you the whole night. And you didn't answer all this time." he complained.

"I know. I'm sorry. I had alot of work yesterday. And I had a headache so I slept in." You tried to sound innocent.

"Are you alright now?" he asked

"I will, once I see you." you sounded sweet to him and you heard him chuckle.

"Well acting cute is not going to help. You better make it up to me for making me worried." he teased.

"Hmmmm....okay but how?" you asked playing along.

"We'll see about that in a second." with that said he cut the line. And the next thing you know was your front door beeping. You felt butterflies in your stomach at the sight of him. You couldn't believe that he came all the way here just because he was worried. You smiled widely as you quickly wrapped your arms around him.

"I missed you so much." he hugged back tightly and lifted you up a little, making you giggle. 

"I missed you more." as he put you down you cupped his face and placed a kiss after another on his cheeks, forehead, nose and then finally on to his lips. You both giggled as you asked.

"Is this enough to make it up to you?"

"Not even close." he said squeezing your cheeks and placing a kiss on to your lips. You couldn't help but melt to his cuteness. This guy is truly amazing you thought. He is hot when he wants to be, as well as cute when he wants to be. 

All of a sudden the door bell rang startling you. You quickly looked at Jimin wondering who could it be. Jimin laughed at your expression.

"Relax. I ordered some food on my way. I'm starving." he said rubbing his stomach. You let out a relieved sigh and gave a slight punch to his stomach smiling as you went to get the door. 

After eating you received a call from Miya asking you to email some files urgently. So you asked Jimin to watch something till you are done. He came and sat next to you on the couch as you were searching for the files. You could feel him watching you and you secretly liked it. 

"Love?" he called

"Hmm.." you made a sound as a response.

"Love.." he called again making you look at him this time.

"Give me a kiss please." he asked sweetly and puckered his plum lips. You chuckled and gave a quick peck. 

"One more." he said. So you gave another one.

"Another one." he grinned and this time as you gave one, you quickly returned to send the email.

As you were attaching the files Jimin asked for another kiss.

"Baby.. give me a second." you said smiling. 'He is such a tease' you thought. 

"No I want one now." he whined. You quickly sent the email and turned to grab him. He was kind of surprised at your action but his smile widened as you pulled him and smacked your lips across his. 

𝕭𝖚𝖘𝖆𝖓 𝕭𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖘 ♡ (Re-𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌)Where stories live. Discover now