Chapter 1

298 52 139

6th June, 2019.

6:00 am


"Logan, you changed the locks and the password, seriously?" Cassie asked, furiously as she marched into the large house, with her red bottom heels announcing every step she took.

The man in front of her only walked forward, with no intention of answering her question or even bothering to face her. She could tell that he was not in the mood for confrontation or one of their unending arguments.

"Are you ignoring me?" She asked, as though she hadn't gotten the very obvious cue.

He took few more steps up the staircase, till he heard a loud crashing sound, which immediately got his attention, causing him to hurry down towards the broken vase.

"I just bought that, you crazy woman!" He yelled in frustration and disgust, looking down at the pieces of glassware that lay between their feet.

With a victorious smile, Cassie said, "At least, now I know you're only stupid, not deaf as well."

"Our appointment isn't till 8 am tomorrow! What the fuck do you think you're doing in my house at this time?" He exclaimed and she just loved to see him exasperated and exhausted.

"Our house," Cassie reminded him, flipping her long black hair over her shoulders and maintaining the wicked smile on her face.

Logan ran his hands through his disheveled dark blonde hair, his green eyes glaring viciously at her, and she nibbled on her lips, fighting the desperate urge to attack him with a passionate kiss which her body desired much more than she was willing to admit.

She wondered why such a cruel man had to look so devilishly handsome. Then again, it was common knowledge that life loved to play uncanny games.

"You're impossible," he muttered as he turned to leave, mostly bearing in mind that exchanging words with Cassie was as fruitless as an exercise could get.

However, she wasn't going to let him get away easily, so she swiftly trailed behind him. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked, taking a break from ascending the stairs.

She looked at him, her large brown eyes gleaming with a pretentious attempt at innocence. "My bedroom, obviously."

"Cassie, you have no bedroom in this house. You have no place here!" He said, angrily, but she kept walking forward and he had to resume running after her.


"Cassie, why don't you take one of the guest bedrooms downstairs." He kept on talking to a woman with very selective hearing abilities.

Cassie Richards did not stop until she had gotten to the door of a bedroom they once shared and even though her heart fluttered, her brave face carried on every step of the way as she barged in.

"Hey, honey..."

Cassie's eyes traveled to the blonde woman, sitting in her room, on her bed, scarcely dressed in one of her night dresses. The woman was almost sinful to look at, with her large, firm breasts on the verge of tumbling out of the dress, her seductive, enticing, red lips with a perfect face that resembled one belonging to a model. How old could she be? Twenty? Cassie didn't know if to feel jealous or disgusted.

"I told you not to come in here!" Logan pulled both women out of the staring contest, as he finally got into the room.

"Who the fuck is this?" The angry woman in front of him faced him. "Tell her to leave. Now!"

"I'd do no such thing. Get your stupid, old ass out of my bedroom and you can wait in the guestroom till I have enough rights to kiss your ass goodbye."

Logan appeared somewhat delighted. Delighted at her plight.

"Did you just call me old?" She asked with a reduced tone.

He smirked. "Have you looked in the mirror lately?" He asked, to get further on Cassie's nerves. As though, he'd forgotten so soon what the woman in front of him was capable of.

She immediately pulled out one of her shoes and hurled it at him and even before he could react, she'd dived on the bed and went straight for the blonde hair that hadn't ceased to irritate her for the few seconds she'd spent in the room.

"Arrrggghh!" The younger girl groaned in agony, as Cassie pulled out her extensions with so much joy and relief, knowing her beautiful hair was not completely real.

"Get off her!" Logan was finally on his feet again, though he still had a banging headache from the impact of the shoe on his brain.

"This is my house! This bitch needs to get out of here!" Cassie screamed as she pulled the blonde hair with all her might, while Logan pulled her with all his might.

It was much to everyone else's relief that Logan had been able to separate the angry, screaming woman from the oblivious, young lady.

He held her tightly in his arms and although she couldn't deny the fact that the feeling of his familiar muscular chest against her back was heavenly, she was still fighting to break free and launch another attack.

The lights went out.

"What the hell happened?" Cassie asked as he finally released her in the dark. Maybe he felt like the fact that she couldn't clearly see his blonde princess would prevent her from attacking her any further.

Logan moved stealthily towards the door, to avoid crashing into anything. "How would I know? We were all here together."

"Then fix it, dumbo."

"Obviously, I'm the one that always has to fix your mess," he said, walking out of the room and she moved along with him, to have the last word.

"How is this my mess?" Cassie was relentless.

Logan stopped for a second. "Haven't you noticed? Anytime you show up, bad things happen. You're literally a stroke of walking bad luck."

Her mouth hung open in shock as she was taken aback by his words, but she couldn't afford to show him any weakness. She was about to reply, when they heard a loud crash down the stairs, causing them to hurry down.

"Anybody there?" Logan asked, cautiously. "Can you get your torch, crazy? I mean... Cassie."

"Go ahead and call me whatever names you like, as long as I'm not a dumb, cheating whore."

Successful with her come back, she tried to make her way towards her bag that was somewhere in the sitting room, when she felt something or rather someone blocking her way and before she could complain or protest, strong hands were wrapped around her hers, holding them together in place and a cloth was brought towards her nostrils.

Her muffled screams as much as her attempt to fight them off were all futile. The last thing she saw when a flashlight came on, was the still body of her husband, being dragged away as she fell unconscious.

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