Chapter 8

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6th June 2019

"What the hell?" Natasha exclaimed.

"Oh God," Logan muttered with a sigh.

He released Cassie from the embrace, yet made no effort to get too far away from her as though scared that if he did, he could lose her again. And he could not afford that. Not when they were on the verge of healing their wounds.

"You told me you were done with her," Natasha's voice proceeded like a whisper. Her eyes were red and held an intense emotion like none he'd ever seen before.

Logan recalled the first time he'd met Natasha. He was seated in a corner of the bar, just watching people drink and wondering where exactly Cassie could be and what she was doing to keep herself busy. Hopefully something good.

He missed his wife so much. His heart was heavily burdened with regret for serving her those divorce papers. He seemed to have lost interest in every other thing; work, sex, life. He just wanted Cassie back. And by that, he meant the Cassie that was not a complete pain in the ass.

A blonde girl dressed in a very short, black dress had walked up to him and taken a seat opposite him, uninvited. At first, he was pissed because he had certainly not come looking for another one-night stand, no matter how attractive she was. But when he later discovered that she was trying to get away from another pestering man's advances, he relaxed.

Soon enough, they were thrown into a conversation. Firstly about how people were so wrong to think alcohol could actually help in dealing with pain, and then it progressed to more personal issues. She'd vaguely mentioned her father, but it was almost certain that they were not in a very good place.

Logan ended up taking her home that night. But all their attempts to have sex were somewhat futile and they ended up joking about it and having deep conversations till dawn.

At that time, she was like an open book. He loved her raw vulnerability. It reminded him so much of a younger Cassie and that immediately made him protective of her.

Their relationship had just grown on him. It was mostly peaceful and sweet.

"Aren't you going to say anything?" Natasha asked. She raised the gun in her hands and aimed it at him which immediately snapped him out of his reverie.

Logan opened his mouth to speak but nothing seemed to proceed out for the sheer reason that he was terrified. Those words, 'I'm done with Cassie,' that he seemed to tell any woman that cared to listen, were mere efforts to convince himself that if she didn't love him back, then he shouldn't keep wasting his time, waiting for her.

He was not 'done' with Cassie. He would never be.

"Natasha, this is not what you think," Logan said as he raised his hands. He felt beads of sweat forming on his forehead and his heart rate had increased. No matter how much torture he'd been through for the day, he still couldn't get used to someone pointing a gun at him. How much more someone looking this agitated.

"And what exactly do I think?" She yelled at him and he could see the rage burning through her eyes.

He'd never imagined that a woman he once thought of as nothing but a stereotypical bimbo, had turned around to be the daughter of a mafia. At this rate, if she was also a dangerous assassin, he wouldn't be surprised.

How did things manage to get so bad?

"You said you loved me. You told me you wanted to be with me and the only reason you're still married to this woman is that she refused to sign the divorce papers. Everything was a fucking lie!"

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