Chapter 6

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Logan grunted as his knees came in contact with the ground. His hands were freed and the bag over his head was yanked off. He blinked twice before opening them and turned immediately to check on Cassie who was on the ground beside him.

The two armed men had walked out immediately and shut them in.

"Hey..." Logan tried to get Cassie's attention. He shifted carefully towards her. "Are you okay?" He asked with a quiet voice.

She eyed him with a frown on her face before getting up and walking towards the bed. She lay on it staring up at the very dim light bulb on the ceiling.

"Cassie." Logan walked towards her. "We need to talk."

She did not even blink. It was as though he was completely non-existent.

"You are seriously going to ignore me after dragging me into this mess?" He asked with his hands on his hips as he glared at her.

She offered neither a sigh nor a stir.

"What exactly is your problem? Why on earth do you have to act like a teenager every God damn time. You're a grown woman for crying out loud. Act the part! See what you have done. I have to throw away my hard-earned money because of you! You keep drinking, gambling, making terrible decisions, and being completely stupid and reckless!"

"Shut up!" Cassie yelled, leaving him dumbstruck.

She sat up on the bed and finally reached him with her eyes. Her face was devoid of emotion, yet frightening. It reminded him so much of his mother.

In some funny way, he could always perceive some sort of resemblance between them. That had possibly birthed his inexorable attraction towards Cassie.

His soon-to-be ex-wife, got up from the bed, her brown eyes watching him intently. "How soon is that bitch going to get here?" She asked.

"You mean Natasha..." He paused, watching to see a reaction on her face.

"I mean the one-night-stand that's suddenly our only hope of making it out of here, alive." She glowered and folded her arms across her chest.

"She's not... She's not a one-night-stand," he replied.

Cassie scoffed. "Oh, what is she now? Your girlfriend? Is she the reason you want me gone so badly? The both of you are getting married or something?" She raised her brows, enquiringly.

"That is none of your business. How is it even relevant to this conversation?"

"It sure as hell is relevant. I need to know if she's someone we can trust. Five million is no joke. She could get it and just disappear," Cassie indicated with a snap of her finger.

Logan swallowed hard, willing himself to believe Natasha would not  do that to him. She was in love with him and they had a great situationship.

"Well... I trust her. But it might have been better if you didn't go attacking her this morning like an unleashed, mad dog."

"I hate you for stopping me."

"And I hate you for constantly acting like you're crazy. You stabbed that man in the face!" Logan shrugged, pointing at the door. He still found it hard to believe that she could do something like that. "What the hell were you doing with a weapon like that?"

"My penknife? I got that because of you." A small smile played on her lips. "I use it to stab you in my mind every night. It puts me to sleep. Unfortunately, it had to hit the wrong target first."

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