Chapter 5

94 19 39

6th June 2019


Logan would be a liar if he said he didn't feel bad about the words he'd said to Cassie and the effect it had on her.

But why was it so wrong for him to make her feel just as bad as she made him feel all the time?

She constantly judged him for being unfaithful even after everything she'd put him through.

What else was he supposed to resort to when he was stuck with a woman who'd suddenly become withdrawn and emotionally unavailable?

Talking to her was just as good as talking to the desk in his office.  Probably even worse. At least his desk did not haul insults at him or pick unnecessary fights.

Whether or not they had one of their passion-filled sex which almost always occurred in the spur of the moment, their situation never got better.

She'd refuse to be cuddled and head out immediately afterward, as though he was just a random stranger she'd picked up on the streets.

Two years ago, he gave up trying to have any form of relationship with her. It was the frustration that pushed him to seek comfort in the arms of another woman for the first time.

He had no regrets. He didn't love the women he shared his bed with, and couldn't possibly replace the love of his life so easily. But they offered him comfort and nursed his heart that had been shattered to a million pieces by this woman sitting in front of him.

Still, he hated to hurt her.

"Cassie, I'm sorry." Logan tried to reach for her hands but she pulled them away, turning her back to him like she always did. "That was completely out of line. I don't know what I was thinking..."

"Don't you dare try to touch me," she said.

He obeyed, nodding quietly and moving back to the ground.

There were some topics that Cassie had ruled out as not up for conversation. Ordinarily, when one of them surfaced, she'd run away and disappear like the wind.

It got so bad, that she could be gone for up to two days — Especially when it had something to do with any of their children.

He'd learned the hard way to succumb to her wish and never bring any of them up.

Logan sat there, having no choice but to watch her back, oblivious to the time. A while later, the door was opened and Flame walked in accompanied by two giant-sized men.

Logan got up, watching Cassie from the side of his eyes as she turned to face them. She looked angry and hurt. He wanted to protect her, but he was more concerned about protecting himself because she didn't deserve it. Not after everything she'd put him through.

"The boss is here," Flame announced the words which were both relieving and unnerving at the same time.

Both men had walked forward with their guns in hand and handcuffed Logan who struggled only a little while watching them handcuff Cassie who acted like the fighter in her had taken a break — quite an unusual sight.

"So-" Before he could protest any further, a black cloth bag was forced over his head and he was dragged out like a meatloaf, against his will.

He wondered for the umpteenth time what he'd done to deserve any of this.

Logan felt the large man lead him roughly for a few minutes before he finally stopped and forced him to go on his knees.

These people clearly had no respect for him or all his achievements.

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