Chapter Thirty-Three

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   The second Marinette walked into Alya and Nino’s apartment, her best friend didn’t hesitate to pounce on her with a question.

    “Hey girl, did you get the text?” 

  Marinette sighed as she rested her bag on a chair. One of the kitchen lights above her flickered as she moved to follow the brunette to the bathroom.

    “Yes, the same answer as the last time you asked.” 

   Marinette’s feet hit the cold tile floor around the same time Alya looked in the mirror to pout.

   “Okay so maybe I’m a little excited-”

   “Excited?” The bluenette exclaimed as she put a mascara tube back where she grabbed it. “Alya, honey, you called me at three in the morning to talk about it.”

    Despite her greatest efforts, it was hard for Marinette to stay mad at Alya. She wasn’t even mad in the first place. But that didn’t mean it wasn’t fun to mess around.

    “Okay, yeah. But it’s not like you were actually sleeping.” Alya narrowed her hazel eyes at Marinette in the mirror. The blue eyed girl tsked as she began to pull out her ponytail.

    “I’ll have you know I went to bed at one last night.”

    “Last night and not afternoon?”


    Alya gasped dramatically and dropped the hairbrush in her hand. It clattered to the floor and she pressed the back of her hand against Marinette’s head.

    “Are you feeling okay? Are you sick?” Marinette shoved the brunette’s hand away with furrowed eyebrows. It was a touché moment. But she wasn’t going to admit it.

     “Well one of us has to remember that we have a double date tonight.” 

    Alya fell silent at that. Instead of responding, she picked up her hairbrush and turned back to the mirror. Marinette combed her fingers through her hair and began to silently ponder if she had somehow brought the conversation too far.

    After Luka and her little… endeavor, for lack of a better word, and long after Alya left, she had gotten a brilliant idea. Obviously, the fighting couple just needed something that would spark a good time, right?  

      “Let’s see what you’re wearing.” Alya’s mood quickly shifted back to the light heart-let’s-kick-everyone’s-ass mood.

     Marinette strolled out into the living room, realizing that the place was actually picked up. Alya always seemed to be running in circles when it came to cleaning up the place. Ariana had the attention span of a goldfish and quickly moved on from one toy to another. Luckily, Alya’s mom volunteered to watch the kids for the night.

  “Do you want me to just show you the clothes or put them on?” Marinette asked, despite being distracted. Alya hummed from the bathroom before popping her head out.

     “You’ll have to put them on eventually, might as well do it now. You can change right there if you want, Nino left a little while ago.” 

      To be honest, Marinette was a little nervous about their double date. Sure, she and Luka technically have gone on dates before. But this was different. They were actually calling it a date. She was nervous to ask Luka out. Even if they had gotten to the physical part of their relationship, butterflies still fluttered in her stomach.

  Quickly switching her clothes, Marinette looked at her reflection to remember she still had to do her hair and makeup. She clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth and sauntered back to Alya.
    The brunette whistled as she took in the outfit. Marinette may be a fashion designer, but she wasn’t all for wearing flashy or distracting outfits herself. She decided to keep it simple.  Especially when taking into consideration that they were going to a carnival.  

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