Chapter Three

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"You have reached the voice mail of Alya Lahiffe. If I'm not picking up, I'm probably trying to take care of my two little monsters. Leave a message"

Marinette lifted her eyes to the sky as she hung up. Alya and Nino weren't home. She had forgotten that the two were probably drunk at the bar she had left them at not so long ago.

"It's okay Marinette. You got this. Everything will be okay. You'll-" A sob escaped her lips as tears began to trickle down her cheeks. "Be okay"

Her words were the only things that disturbed the night air. They didn't sound very reassuring, even to her.

"Marinette, what have you done?" The bluenette chocked out.

The night was nipping at her bare skin, stinging it like icy swords. It was already freezing out, but she knew it would only get colder.

"Maybe we should head back" Tikki offered, slowly floating up from the coat pocket.

Her hair rustled with the wind as Marinette tightened the coat around herself. Going back wasn't an option. Not now. Not when they're relationship was at such a fragile state.

Going back to her parents' bakery was, of course, an option. She knew for a fact her parents wouldn't pry. But the blunette also knew her parents would wonder why she wasn't staying with her boyfriend who always had their blessing to do just about everything.

Sobs racked her body as she rested herself on the steps. Tikki knew there was nothing she could do except comfort her friend. So the little red kwami hugged Marinette's cheek.

Marinette loved Tikki and it was great that she was trying to comfort her, but it wasn't enough. She needed a human, someone who could just wrap their arms around her and keep her warm.

The temperature steadily dropped as Marinette pulled her knees to her chest and continued to cry. Everything she had built, the years she spent learning how to love Adrien, it went to waste.

Despite knowing that, she couldn't help but hope that maybe everything would be alright. Maybe Adrien would change his mind and everything would be worked out. If she went back now she could compromise with him.

Though the bluenette knew that was unreasonable, she hoped. She searched for the possibility of not having kids. If it meant she could be with him. But just him wouldn't be enough. It was in the beginning, it was everything she has ever dreamed of.

If it was possible, she felt her heart break more. She was losing him. She probably already lost him. He was her partner in crime though, did that not stand for anything? In the start, Adrien clearly planned to have a family with her. If everything could only go back.

"Marinette" Tikki whispered. Marinette felt the warmth leave her cheek as the red kwami hid.

"Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you're riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief, and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts."

Marinette looked up to see familiar blue eyes and raven-haired boy. He was staring down at her with his hands shoved in his pocket.

"Who said that?" She asked, not bothering to hide her tear stained cheeks.

The guitarist crouched before her, looking deep into her eyes.

"Bob Marley" He gave a slight shrug but a small smile. It disappeared when she sniffled again. "Mari-"

"I'm fine" She cut off, turning her face away from him.

Luka pressed his lips together and scowled.

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