Chapter Twenty-Three

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 Askook was cursing to himself under his breath as he ran through the streets. When he heard that there was an akuma, getting away from his sister and Weylen proved to be a difficult task. He couldn’t leave them scared and alone, but he couldn’t ignore the fact that his help was needed.

    He came up with an excuse, that he needed to help clear the streets of people. He didn’t exactly lie about what he was going to do, he just didn’t specify how and what he would be wearing when he did so. He transformed behind an abandoned bus and followed the screams.

     Askook bit his bottom lip as his fingers hovered stiffly over his bracelet. Ladybug and Chat Noir were already fighting the akuma from what he could tell. Should he use his power now?

      When he began to arrive at the scene, he pulled the snakehead back on the bracelet and ushered a few civilians into hiding. When the streets were clear, he decided to join in the action. When he got up to the rooftop, he didn’t even have time to announce that he was there.

        In slow motion, a burst of light hit Chat Noir square in the chest and he was ordered to reveal his civilian name. Askook’s face reflected Ladybug’s as Chat Noir said clear as day, “My real, civilian name is Adrien Agreste.”

        The air in the raven head’s lungs froze. Excuse him? What did he just say? Ladybug’s bluebell eyes caught his own before he could utter “Second chance.”

    Askook was standing on the street and could hear the ruckus going on up on the rooftops. He shoved the knowledge forcefully obtained to the back of his brain. Hawkmoth couldn’t know such an important hero’s real identity.

     Figuring the people would be safe down here, Askook carefully jumped his way up behind Nier and texted Ladybug. He saw her look at her yo-yo and read the text. She nodded in response before she snapped it shut and began to spin her yo-yo.
      The bluennette stepped closer to her blonde partner as they continued to spew lies of their civilian lives. Just as the plan went, Nier shot a burst of light at Chat Noir’s chest ordering his command of obedience and truth, and the blonde couldn’t do anything to stop it.

    Askook took this moment to pop out of the shadows slam his foot into the back of Nier’s knees. The burst of light hit Chat Noir’s chest, and Ladybug was quick to step up behind him and cover his mouth. Her hand flew to his pocket, and she pulled out the polka-dotted bouncy ball. She threw it just in time for it to bounce up from the ground to knock the toy gun from Nier’s hand before he had the chance to shoot anymore.

      She whispered in Chat’s ear to go help civilians so he didn’t get stuck telling their secrets to the world. He agreed and left the scene. Askook pinned Nier’s hands over his head and grit his teeth.

        Ladybug stomped on the toy gun and a purple butterfly slipped out from the cracks. 

       “No more evil-doing for you little akuma, it’s time to de-evilize!”

        The victim turned back to normal as he blinked harshly at the sky. In the midst of his confusion, the snake hero released the civilian’s wrists. 

       “What-what happened?” The civilian took in shaky breaths, fighting against the tears in his eyes.

       “You were akumatized.” Ladybug kneeled and hugged him. “And I would like to help you. You can talk to me.” 

          Askook rested a hand on the civilian’s shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile for setting off to find the black cat.

    The hero found Chat Noir and pulled him out of hearing distance of everybody else. “There was a mistake.” Askook quickly informed, fingers twitching at his wrist. “The akuma got you and you said your civilian name.”

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