Chapter Six

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Luka's eyebrows shot up in surprise. He slowly took the box from the gloved hand and pinched the lid between his fingers.

Green lit up the room, momentarily blinding the two boys. When the light was gone, both green and blue eyes watched the green floating kwami.

"My name is Sass" The snake kwami drawled out the "s" as he stretched his back. "I must say, it does feel good to be out. It's been eons."

Chat rose an eyebrow. Whether or not that statement was true, he had no idea. It could of easily literally been eons and he wouldn't know.

The blonde shook his head. He had to focus. This situation was not one he could take lightly.

"Sass, I believe you know why you're out?" Chat Noir asked, diverting the snake to talk much more about the other kwami's.

Sass cleared his throat and turned to face Luka.

"Chat Noir has chosen you. Meaning you are worthy to possess the snake miraculous. To transform, you have to say "Sass, scales form." Sass nodded to himself, like a guarantee that was correct.

Luka looked at it hesitantly. Chat Noir knew precious time was slipping through his fingers. His miraculous beeped and he groaned.

"Look, Luka, do you have any cheese?" Chat Noir asked as he maneuvered his way to the kitchen.

"Yeah, bottom drawer." The raven head stated, watching as Sass lowered himself into his hand.

The blonde squeezed his eyes closed. His stress levels were quickly spiking up. He didn't even know if Luka actually wanted to be a hero like he was. Of course, the guitarist was one in his own way, but would he even want to transform? Did he make a mistake?

"I need to detransform. I'll lock the bathroom door. While you wait, you can make up your mind. If you don't feel up to transforming, it's fine and you let me know."

"Okay" Luka responded

"I don't know why you chose him," Plagg said in his scruffy voice after Chat Noir got himself situated. "I mean he is stealing your girl"

"Plagg now is not the time. I'm asking him to help the very girl. I don't care if he's trying to take Ladybug from me. So long as she's safe" Adrien growled, scowling at the window.

While doing so, he saw his movement in the mirror from the corner of his eye. He looked a wreck. His hair was a mess, not Chat Noir crazy, just knots. His eyes were dull and it seemed that scowl would never leave his lips.

The blonde squeezed his eyes closed and thought back. As long as Marinette was safe. She needed to be. She couldn't be anything else. They've been through worse, the bluenette would be fine.

The black kwami burped, pulling Adrien out of his thoughts.

"Are you ready?" The model asked sarcastically.

"No" Plagg yawned.

"Claws out!"

"Maaaaaan!" Plagg complained, being pulled toward the ring.

Unlocking the door, Chat Noir expected Luka to be where he left him. But the raven head was nowhere in sight.


Chat Noir checked every room, the bedroom being the last. Luka was technically there, but at the same time, it was no longer him. The new hero stood in front of a body length mirror, poking at his suit.

"What should I call you?" Chat asked, his eyes checking out the room.

The cat eyes didn't miss the red coat or pink suitcase on the rocking chair. Suspicion rose in him, but he tucked it away for later.

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