Chapter Seventeen

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         “Who’s this handsome little man?” Luka asked as he pulled to the stroller towards himself. “Wait, don’t tell me. You’re a Laffie kid, aren’t you?” 

    Chico laughed and held his palms out. Luka unstrapped Chico and pulled him out. He held the chubby little hands and the raven head helped the baby balance himself on his thighs.

    “Is it really that obvious?” Marinette pondered she pulled out plated from the cupboard.

     “Those big beautiful hazel eyes are a dead give away.” Luka cooed. “Just like his mother’s.”

        Marinette couldn’t help but feel a giddy warmth spread through her. She paused, remembering the last time she felt like this that wasn’t within the last two weeks. It had to be high school. Back when things seemed complicated but weren’t.

     Everything had been perfect back then. Sure she and Adrien were being oblivious idiots, but everyone was so naive. If Ladybug flirted with Chat Noir, then it was okay. He understood that she wasn’t ready for a relationship. Their late-night patrols were so fun, they’d laugh to no end and actually enjoyed themselves.

    “Mari?” Luka asked, pulling her out of her thoughts. 

    “Hmm?” She hummed, walking over and resting glass cups on the table.

   “Are you alright?” Marinette smiled and looked at him. His eyebrows were pulled together in concern. She thought about it for a second before letting out a laugh.

    “I could never be better.”

    The movie ended and the credits rolled, bringing the flickering colors on the wall to an end. Luka stared at the screen for a few seconds taking in the near silence. He turned his gaze to Marinette who was snuggled to his side with one of his arms wrapped around her. Chico was resting in the small place between them, snuggly held between Marinette’s arm.

    Luka smiled. A perfect picture. He wanted nothing more than to keep everything like this. Marinette would have been such a good mother. Compassionate, fair, an amazing friend. Everything a child would look up to in a parent.

    He reached for the remote and turned the tv off. Picking Chico up slowly, Luka adjusted their positions so that Marinette was laying on top of him and her legs were between his. His brace jutted out from the edge of the couch. Chico was between him and the couch cushions.

    Marinette groaned as she shifted, causing the blanket to fall off her. Luka pulled it back on her and kissed her forehead. 

    Just as Luka had been dozing off, rumbling came from outside his window. Luka blinked as he craned his neck to see. He knew it was an akuma. And there was nothing he could do about it.

     Marinette started shifting, and he could tell she was waking up. Luka closed his eyes and turned his face into the cushion. She pushed herself off the couch, and for a moment, Luka wasn’t sure if she was still there or not. That was before he heard a content sigh and the shades drawn back.

     When Luka was sure she was gone, his eyes fluttered open. The street light poured through the window that was barely cracked and Marinette was nowhere in the apartment.

    “Sass,” Luka said calmly.

    “Yesss, Luka?” The snake yawned before shaking his head.

    “Go tell Master Fu that Ladybug will be needing assistance.” He paused before offering a smile. “I won’t be much help.”

   “Yesss.” Sass bowed his head and went through the crack in the window.

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