Chapter Eleven

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Oxygen. She needed to breathe. Her lungs burned, her body ached. It all felt too good. Too familiar. She needed to stop.

    Marinette tried to pull back, to get herself out of Adrien’s grip. But she couldn’t.

Adrien wrapped the bluenette hair around his fingers, forcing her closer to him.

    This wasn’t right. This wasn’t joyful in any way for Marinette. It was forced, it wasn’t for fun or for love. It was his way of saying she belonged to him. And she hated it.

   “Adrien!” She managed as she pried her lips from his.

    The blonde changed his attention from her lips to her neck, misunderstanding her plea. Marinette dug her finger into his back, tugging at the rough fabric. He continued to press bruising kisses to her soft skin.

     “Adrien, let me go!” Tears swelled in Marinette’s eyes, blurring her vision.

      Adrien paused with his lips resting against her collar bone.

    He loved her. He needed her to stay. He needed to smell her sweet cinnamon roll scent every morning and to hear laughter that was pleasant.

    Adrien used to pause to take her all in. Her scent had changed slightly, much to his displeasure. Bakery sweets still lingered, but it was mixed with something else. A scent he was not accustomed to nor wanted to be. 

  “Marinette Dupan-Chang. I love your hair long” He groaned, untangling his fingers to stroke the bluenette hair.

   Her muscles were so tense. This tightly wound they would have snapped if they were rubber bands.

    Adrien, of course, was concerned for her. He and Marinette were best friends before they became lovers. Something as petty as a breakup could not keep him from caring about her needs and loving her.

       Letting her go, he left Marinette alone. Silently promising himself that he would be able to convince her to stay next time.

    “Marinette?” Adrien asked at the door, his back still to her.

    He could feel her bluebell eyes look at him. Adrien watched the hand he rested on the door frame.
   “I love you. No matter what, I swore that years ago.” His fist clenched before he moved forward, using all of his self-control not to glance back at her.
   “I swear to God, I’m going to kill that man,” Alya growled as she stroked Marinette’s hair.

    The two were sitting at the couch, Marinette’s head in Alya’s lap and Chico was laying on top of Marinette. Ariana was in bed sleeping, the medicine the doctor gave her knocked her right out.

    “It’s okay, Alya. Everything is fine.” Marinette insisted, turning her head from the tv to her friend’s face. Alya scowled, meeting blue eyes.

   “Girl, the point isn’t that there wasn’t any physical damage. He forced you to kiss him, and that’s not alright.”

    Alya had a point, but Marinette didn't completely agree. Adrien was anything but kind when the kiss began. But towards the end, well Marinette didn’t know how to explain it.

     Sparks didn’t fly when their lips met. It was like the past sparks turned into flames, and every kiss only burned her. It wasn’t the same flames they were used to in intercourse either. Flames didn’t lick her skin with passion as they consumed her. They left scars and burned away at her want for Adrien.

     “I’m afraid one of these days he’ll pass the line. That he’ll do something totally unforgivable and I’ll have to kill him.” Alya’s fist tightened next to her leg.

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