Chapter Twenty One

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   Luka stared at the ceiling as the last wisps of daylight began to fade. Marinette was sleeping peacefully in his arms. He was glad to realize that she seemed to be content in her slumber, it was a nice contrast to the first time she had come over to his apartment.

  But his concerns still remained. He cared for Marinette a lot, he would never purposely do any harm to her. But perhaps she needed to see a professional. Luka had to admit, he doesn’t understand what she was going through. And it hurt him that he couldn’t help. But Marinette has had blue rings around her eyes since the day he saw her at the bar.

     Luka wanted to talk to Alya about Marinette. The brunette knew more about Marinette then he could ever dream. She was there to help support the bluenette through the roughest time of her life.

           Luka sighed. He couldn’t stay here over the night. He didn’t want to leave her, but he knew Mister and Missus Dupan-Chang would take good care of her.

     Somehow, he managed to get off the bed without slamming his leg against something or accidentally roll Marinette off the bed. Not that it wasn’t without effort, her legs were tangled between his own and the blanket.

     Marinette mumbled something in her sleep and curled into a ball. Luka smiled and brushed the hair from her face before he pushed himself up and wobbled. He collected the mess he helped make and started to make his way to the ladder. Something caught his interest from the corner of his eye.

  Tilting his head towards it, he realized it was a corkboard with multiple pictures from high school. Alya and Nino holding hands, Luka and Jueklea after their first major concert, Nathaniel sheepishly holding his art up to the camera, Marinette and her parents, Marinette and Adrien, fashion designs, and what looked like a picture of Chloe being nice for a minute as she and Sabrina posed for the camera.

       Luka saw a corner sticking out behind another photo and he pulled it out. It was him and Marinette. He was standing behind her, arms on either side of her body as he held up the guitar and showed her how to play. How oblivious she was to the cords was adorable.

    Taking a spare pin, Luka hung the photo so it could be seen. It had been a good day for him when it was taken, and it appeared she had felt the same way. And she needed happy memories right now.

    “Let me help you down from there,” Tom said when he saw Luka struggling with the steps.

      “Thank you, sir.” Luka smiled as Tom helped steady him.

      “No problem, son.”

       Sabine nodded her head from the kitchen. “It’s nice to see you after so long. How are you dear?”

    “I’m doing good, thank you for asking. And you?”

    “The years do wear you down, that’s for sure.” Sabine chuckled. “I feel so old saying things like that.”

     “I believe with age comes beauty, and you help prove my theory, Mrs. Dupan Chang.”

   Sabine waved her hand as she held the door open for him. “You’re quite the charmer. And please dear, you can call me Sabine.”

   “It was a pleasure seeing you two again. I hope to see you soon.” Luka nodded his head as he walked past Sabine.

    The crisp night air pierced right through Luka’s jacket, taking away any remaining heat Marinette had provided him. He looked up at the sky, the pastel purples and blue had finally faded away only to leave grey clouds behind. He raised his hand as a cab drove into his vision.

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